Title: Outside the Lines
Theme word/s: Portrait
eurydice72 Rating: PG13
Word count: 10,048 (9B: 3772)
Characters/Pairings: Arthur/Gwen, Merlin
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: Not mine no matter how nicely I ask.
Summary: Though she just considers him a friend, Arthur has been in love with Gwen practically since meeting her through Merlin, but an impromptu gift
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Comments 16
This was a very interesting blend of the present clashing with the past Loved the fact that though Arthur knew nothing of his past life, he was instantly in love the moment he met Gwen, and though she wouldn't return his affections due to fear of the past repeating itself, she couldn't help but keep him in her life, even if only as a friend.
Gwen drawing Morgana was a little creepy to me, along with Arthur being in Gwen's apartment alone and eventually facing Morgana - maybe because I read this story late at night. LOL. However, I loved it!
Anyway, great story! I hope at some point you we add more to it. I'd love to see what Morgana is up to, how Arthur and Gwen deal with the threat of repeating the past and if Lancelot will eventually show up to make things even more complicated.
Thank you so much for leaving feedback! I really appreciate it since this was kind of an experiment for me. :)
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