MC - At Years End (aka the third - possibly last - fic battle) ::: Sign Up

Dec 21, 2013 16:49

Sign Up: 21st Dec - 26th Dec  >>> Writing Time: 28th Dec - 3rd January
Sign Up: 21st Dec - 1st Jan  >>> Writing Time: 3rd Jan - 8th January

Hellooo, so I'm back and it's still December, so I'm not really late - shhh.

And we're quickly letting December slip through our fingers, so the time is nigh. The reason there's a sign up is because I'm not sure how many of you are still flitting around out there thinking Merlin-y thoughts. And I'd say we'd need at least 4-5 people to make a good go of it, although 7+ would be lovely :D

I haven't got the challenge post all written up yet, mostly because I'm a terrible person, but here's the facts:
+ Above you can see the when.
+ There are no Themes.
+ This will be an individual challenge, no teams.
+ There will be no vote. The Winner will be the one who writes the most ficlets.
+ All ficlets will need to be between 50 - 250 words.
+ As for Pairings: You can write any pairings you like, as long as you don't disparage (cheapen, disrespect etc etc) the A/G pairing. This means you can include AG in triangles, but not threesomes/moresomes. And hey, you don't have to write Arthur and Gwen. You can write any character in response to a prompt (as long as it fits the prompt), since you only have so many words.
+ You need to specify your likes and dislikes in the form below, so Prompters know what to prompt you with. Then remember to come back and copy and paste (whatever you comment here) onto the Entry post - so that you can start your own Author thread. Which is where you'll receive and Fill your prompts - like the battle.
+ You don't have to be a Member to play.
+ If you play, you can still prompt people.
To Sign up, just Copy and Paste the below form into a comment to this entry -

+ Username:
+ Maximum Rating (G - NC17):
+ Genres (underline all you're happy to write): Angst, Fluff, AU, Crossover, Smut, Humor, Gen.
+ Crossovers/AUs I'll try:
+ I like to write/wish in general:
+ Lastly, I won't write these topics/characters:



+ Username: Mustbethursday3
+ Maximum Rating (G - NC17): NC17
+ Genres (underline all you're happy to write): Angst, Fluff, AU, Crossover, Smut, Humor, Gen.
+ Crossovers/AUs I'll try: Doctor Who, Modern AUs, Hunger Games, and Buffy
+ I like to write/wish in general: Parallel Words, Girls getting some screentime, Gwen/Morgana friendship, Crack, I wish there was a direct comparison between the relationships Gwen & Morgana have, and the one Arthur and Merlin have - like, if Morgs had told Gwen about the magic (SHE KINDA DID IN S1 BUT IT WAS REBOOTED)...and the fallout/consequence from that, compared to Merlin keeping the magic secret.
+ Lastly, I won't write these topics/characters: Gaius, Merlin/Morgana, Dragons, Major Character death, PWP, and please not Baby!fic.

You have until Thursday 26th December, 6PM (AEST) to sign up.


Paging those who showed (hesitant) interest, oh so many months ago:


Also, if you haven't got time to write but wouldn't mind prompting...please comment below :D

If we don't get enough of a response we can always table it and save it for the Olympics...coz I'll be bored out of my mind then probably I'll have free time.

.challenge: mini - battle flavor, +mod: mustbethursday3, .challenge: mini challenge (sign up)

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