15 Fics in 15 Days Challenge : Challenge Post *CLOSED*

Nov 18, 2013 18:25

ag-fics 15 in 15 Challenge: Challenge Post

STARTS: Now (18th Nov 2013)
ENDS:Mon 2ndTues 3rd Dec 2013 (Countdown Clock)

Welcome to the 15in15 Challenge Post where writers will post their fics based on the themes below.

10 Themes:

Writers must write 1 fic based on each theme.

1. MI5 (Military Intelligence, section 5: British Government counterintelligence agency.)

2. Fail (to be unsuccessful, stop operating, disappoint or be useless to someone.)

3. Summer

4. Harmony (peaceful agreement and co-operation, pleasant combination of notes sounded at the same time)

5. Reverie (absent minded daydream)

6. Legend (traditional story or myth, famous event or person, inscription)

7. Desire (want very much, wish, longing)

8. Jewel (precious stone, precious person or thing)

9. Children

10. Forgiveness

Writer's Choice:

Free-form. Writers must write 5 fics based on whatever they want!


Remember each fic must be at least 750 words and no longer than 2,000 words. Fics can be like chapters of the same fic, squeals or prequels. Most importantly participants must post their fics anonymously.

Participants MUST also PM me each time they complete a fic with the link to it so I know what fics they have completed.

The deadline for fics to be posted is Mon 2nd Dec 2013 (Countdown Clock).

To re-read the rules and guidelines for this challenge go here. If you have any questions or any issues with the challenge or posting your fics, please post your concerns in a comment under the questions and/or concerns thread. All questions and/or concern comments will be screened.

Good luck everyone, and don’t forget to HAVE FUN!

+mod: ella_rose88, .challenge: 15 fics in 15 days (main)

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