Well, it's been over a month of Writing and Voting so I'm sure you're all impatient to know if it was worth it?
(I'll be unscreening all comments (and there are LOADS, I'm very impressed with commenters right now - you're all awesome) on each individual fic post right after I post this. It'll take me about 15ish minutes to hop in and out of nine posts, so Writers be sure to check your fic post(s) \o/.)
Now the Reveal (I've NEVER got to do one of these, coz I'm usually MiniChallenge!Girl...and all entries are secret until I can guilt someone into DeAnoning - so this is exciting):
Entry 1: Fate’s Weave - G - 2,119 words:
elegantpaws Entry 2: To Which We Celebrate - PG - 2,272 words:
thy3tuth_iswon Entry 3: Yellow Post-it Notes - PG - 1430 words:
rubber_glue Entry 4: Bronze and Gold - PG - 857 words:
thy3tuth_iswon Entry 5: Born Under A Bad Sign - R, Language - 6084 words:
rainbow_connec Entry 6: The Choices We Make - R - 3804 words:
rubber_glue Entry 7: One Time or Another - PG13 - 853 words:
hieispike Entry 8: Alien - R - 3087 words:
mara93 Entry 9: Outside the Lines - PG13 - 10,048 words:
Okay so now we've solved those mysteries and the Readers feel better...but I believe you Writers are probably still a touch curious? Possibly wondering who won and all that jazz?
From almost the word GO we had three fics dominating the Voting and they jockeyed valiantly for position, so it's with great pleasure that I announce the final standings - thanks to our nine fantastic Voters:
With 16 Points (3x2nds, 2x3rds & 3x4ths) THIRD PLACE goes to a very deserving
elegantpaws for 'Fate’s Weave'!
With 23 Points (3x1sts & 4x3rds) SECOND PLACE goes to a very deserving
eurydice72 for 'Outside the Lines'!
And finally, with 26 Points (4x1sts and 2x2nds) FIRST PLACE goes to a very deserving
rubber_glue for 'Yellow Post-it Notes'!
And with 13 Points (1x1st, 1x2nd, 2x3rds & 1x4th), coming very close to the placings was 'Born Under A Bad Sign' by the lovely
Now, participation banners for ALL Writers:
- Please do not Hotlink, right click and save your banners to your computer and then reupload them to your own account :)
- Second and Third Place banners are as big as First place, just click to see the full size. All other banners are Fullsized in this post.
- I'm almost 100% I spelled everything right on the banners - if I didn't let me know.
- I'm 99% sure I DeAnoned everyone to the right entries...again, if I didn't let me know :D
- I wanna add that I meant to leave comments... and then time got away from me, sorry guys :(
- Writers you're now free to repost your fics.
- MC3 will start soon, and the WORD LIMIT for it will be the number of Members
ag_fics has as of the time I post the Challenge (it's currently 137).
- There will be a significant gap inbetween the end of MC3 and the start of the Next Challenge (Long Challenge 3), which we will give you more info about later.