Artist's Sign Ups - 2017

Feb 01, 2017 17:14

This is the post for artists wanting to take part in the Big Bang.

Sign ups will be open until June 6, 12AM.

The post with summaries available for claiming will go up on June 10th and claiming begins on June 15th. The exact time for claiming will be given later on so keep an eye out for future updates!

Are you pre-matched with a writer? You still have to sign up as an artist even if you're pre-matched but in a case you won't be taking another writer under your wing, mention it in 'How many stories are you willing to create art for?'.

You don't have to be a LJ user to sign up, but if you don't have an LJ account,  please put your user name and the site you use (f.ex. tumblr, dA, in this format 'namehere'@tumblr' in your comment or give us the link to your profile so that we know how to reach you.

If you sign up now but later realise that you can't participate after all, please email ac_mod at and let us know as soon as possible.

If you have any other questions, please leave a comment on the FAQ or email ac_mod at This this post is only for sign ups, thank you!

When giving your timezone please give the standard time zone! You can check your standard time zone from HERE by searching your home city! STZ can be found after you click the name of the city to the next page.

Please sign up with the following information:

The form of art you'll be participating with:(traditional art, graphic art/photomanipulations, videos, fanmixes, etc)
Are you pre-matched? (If so, with who?)
How many stories are you willing to create art for?
Are you willing to pinch hit if needed?
Your timezone: UTC (+/-)?
Anything else we should know?

After you sign up for the fest, we encourage you to request membership in our support community camladerie for access to activities & information available only to ACBB participants.

*Please note: if you are uncomfortable with publicly sharing your email address please pm it separately to ac_mod

*sign ups 2017, *mod post, *signups, artists

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