Arthur and Merlin's Hangover

Aug 26, 2014 20:03

Title: Arthur and Merlin’s Hangover

Author(s): i_amtheoutlaw

Artist: whimsycatcher

Pairings/characters: Arthur/Merlin

Rating: Explicit

Word Count: 40,000

Warnings: dub-con, mentions of rape, mentions of drug use


“Okay, so I remember Merlin was pissed off because you dismissed him early from the feast. Something about . . .” Gwaine trailed off and furrowed his brows. “Oh yes! Spilt wine. There was definitely spilt wine involved.”

Gwaine nodded to himself before he continued. “I followed Merlin back to your chamber, then I realized how pissed off Merlin was at you, princess. There was tons of smashing going on.” Gwaine paused and looked around the chamber. He seemed surprised to see some things back in place. “That’s funny. I could have sworn that was broken last night,” Gwaine muttered to himself before he continued. “Anyway, he was royally pissed so I figured, ‘hey, he could probably use a drink.’ I thought he’d turn me down like usual, but nope. I got Merlin drunk off some wine and then, Merlin, you got Arthur totally smashed in no time. It was like magic! Then you two were snogging like, ‘til the death type combat, I mean tongues everywhere!” Gwaine paused again, whether for emphasis or necessity, Arthur wasn’t quite sure, but he gestured for the knight to continue because kissing Merlin was not what Arthur needed to be thinking about. “In front of everyone, I might add! That’s all I remember from last night. Then I had that strange dream, and I woke up with that amazing creature pulling me out of a well by my hair!”

*Or, the one where Magic, Courage, and Strength wake up The Hangover style. With nothing in their heads but an ache and some tattoos in weird places. Oh, and, of course, a nearly untied Albion on their hands . . .

If they can manage to defeat the demon who's out to steal every soul that makes up Arthur's kingdom, that is.
Why? Well, as Merlin would say: "Because why in the hell not?"

Disclaimer: Characters are owned by the BBC and WB (Supernatural).

Author's note:

This was my first time participating and it was great!

Artist's notes:

The Big Bang lives on in the Merlin fandom, and I am delighted to participate again! Unfortunately, real life has been unexpectedly hectic, so I’m sorry to have just ONE piece to show - for now! I plan to finish three more pieces for this story by i_amtheoutlaw, who has been a fantastic partner, and whose writing is thrilling in so many ways. Thank you for being both so appreciative and understanding! <3

This story is loosely based on the premise of The Hangover, so I took inspiration from the movie’s unique end credits sequence - in which photos reveal what the characters were too drunk to remember! Similarly, Merlin and Arthur are drugged by berries which have made them forget the supernatural shenanigans they went through the night before... Well I thought I should draw out the more interesting bits they’d forgotten - such as getting their arses tattooed! ^^

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