
Mar 24, 2009 09:25

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Comments 12

inneranomaly March 24 2009, 14:57:24 UTC
gorgeous!!! I love it!! Are those fiesta ware dishes I see in the cupboards? I think (because I'm weird like this) the sink is my favorite... God! I would kill for a sink like that!!

Such beautiful work!!! I'm jealous :)


after_the_ashes March 24 2009, 16:19:55 UTC
Hey, thanks =] They are fiesta ware, I love them. And yeah, the sink is my favorite. I fell in love at Ikea. Unfortunately the faucet that works with it sucks and I couldn't find anything anywhere else that was compatible. Oh well, can't be perfect, I guess...


katielovesjoel March 24 2009, 19:10:22 UTC
I LOVE it!!


after_the_ashes March 25 2009, 02:04:33 UTC
Ah, I know you do =] I hope all is well. Did you find a new place? I've been trying to keep up. Rosemary's haircut is sooo cute. I wish Cressa would go for it...


pixiestick_cc March 25 2009, 01:38:03 UTC
So lovely. Want to come and do my house?


after_the_ashes March 25 2009, 02:03:19 UTC
I seriously would love to =]


avidbystander March 31 2009, 15:06:09 UTC
Hello there,
The transformation is fantastic! I'm painting my kitchen cabinets white also. Where did you get the dandles on them? I was thinking of going with a decorative knob, but yours look very clean and simple. I like it!


after_the_ashes March 31 2009, 15:08:28 UTC
Thanks! They're from Ikea.


oh_roulette April 3 2009, 05:24:06 UTC
I saw your post in saucydwellings and am just more and more impressed! You have a talent. Did you just re-paint the cabinets or did you completely get new ones?


after_the_ashes April 5 2009, 17:23:55 UTC
Thanks! We replaced them, they were in awful condition. They're from Ikea, and I love them!


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