Title: Even The Wrong Words Seem To Rhyme
Written: 110309
Chapter: Part 1
Summary: Nine years on, and the roles have changed. Ryo/Shige. WC: 1610.
Notes: Randomly inspired by Howie Day's
Collide, one of those things that came out of nowhere, and is likely to go nowhere.
shige buries his nose into the pillow he's hugging, snuggling under the covers, and ryo slowly lets out the breath he's holding. )
Comments 26
I love how the roles have reversed (Ryo as a lit student? Interesting). I love the sort of easiness between them, and yet there is a small strain, isn't there? A tension which you portray so well.
I'm actually really interested in the Ryo/Shige relationship. They're obviously close in a sense, but it doesn't seem as if they're involved with one another. Shige wanting to go back home to sleep even tho he's drunk, and then the scene on the bed when Shige says Ryo's name but instead of anything happening, it's Ryo tensing up. There's something between them and it feels to me like there's some unresolved emotions there.
Hm, keep it up :D oh and “Ah...! Why couldn't the mess have been something simpler? Like, say, a traffic accident?”
i have a thing for ryo eventually going to college at some point XDD and literature was cuz out of all the random news members facts in my head, the one tat sticks is tat one of ryo's hobbies is actually reading :p
oh and “Ah...! Why couldn't the mess have been something simpler? Like, say, a traffic accident?”
and u caught me. tat's the REAL reason for the other 1590 words LOLZ.
hehehehhehehe this is really normal its like a day out of their usual life hehehe unun only you can pull that off XDDDDD
i felt ryo could pull off being a lit student cuz he likes reading, plus he's always written beautiful lyrics, so there must be poetic potential somewhere within him :)
but its nice cuz as i said jsut a normal day out of their lives =] hehhe
RYOSHIGE YEARS LATER OMG OMG [dies] Their lifestyles semi-switched, but the two happily proceeding along at their own pace *squees*
Has nothing intelligible to say so instead...
asdgkhdfsgklfhdlg;fhdkgh OMG OMG SDHGJKDshgjhdfjghfhkljSEIOhtsdiovnklD SKGHDJKGFLK gldfgklJ:KDFGJKLFHGF 8D!!!
Yep. LOVED it. (so much there's caps in the keysmash! gasp! lol) &hearts
it flowed so.. wonderfully I couldn't get over the "awww" in my head. Good that there are going to be more parts of this *haha*
Ryo is so caring towards Shige it's awesome &hearts
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