The Borgias episode 1x05: The Borgias in Love

Apr 25, 2011 02:44

A disappointing lack of C/L stuff. Not surprising, but it would have helped make up for some of the other stuff, like the C/U and Sforza in general.

I actually really wanted to give C/U a chance, but damn did they make it hard. I just do not feel enough of Ursula as a character to see why Cesare seems so spontaneously captivated by her. And I don't know if I'm just being biased here, but I wasn't particularly feeling the chemistry between the two either. :/ Damn. Not really surprised by my feelings for it, but I was hoping it would at least be interesting/believable to watch. I want to know more about Ursula as a person; it's hard to take her plight seriously when we intercut with scenes of Lucrezia dealing with so much worse.

Side note: And really? Three times? I was so severely uncomfortable each and every time. Why are they being this graphic and gratuitous? Are they just trying to drive the point home that Sforza is the absolute scum of the earth? Thanks guys, we got it last episode, no need to make everyone throw up. :/

I have to wonder though: Ursula seems to really be put in as a parallel to Lucrezia. Which doesn't surprise me, since Neil Jordan even said that C & L are supposed to be pretty much each other's ideal lovers, except for the whole related part (we don't pay attention to that part though). So, since he can't save his sister, he's saving this other blond woman trapped in a loveless marriage with a dick for a husband.

I guess overall I'm willing to abide by Cesare/Ursula playing out if they step up their game on it. It just seems waaaaay too rushed and just generally forced to be taken at all seriously. I suppose it's too late for that. :/ I could have bought the immediate attraction of 1x04, but the way they talked and acted this episode was so straight up ridiculous that the only way I can reconcile it in my head is less than pure motivations from both sides: Cesare wants to save someone, and so immediately latches onto Ursula who is quite willing, perhaps even desperate, to be saved. Perfectly legitimate reasons to get swept up in a whirl-wind, illicit romance, but if the show treats her as Cesare's 'one true love for all of time' I might throw something. Just. No.

(Gotta say, I am both amused and gratified by the internet's general support of C/L. Seriously, it's kind of surprising.)

Things I did like:

-Cesare being terribly clever.

-Juan, once again, being an idiot. He's a hilarious idiot though, and thus I appreciate him for his entertainment value.

-Even though they both only appeared briefly, I thought both Vanozza and Giulia really shown in their scenes. Oh show, I love my fierce ladies. ♥

-Speaking of fierce ladies, I feel the need to once again point out MY UNDYING LOVE OF LUCREZIA BORGIA. Seriously, this girl is amazing. My heart broke every time she cried; I want to do a number of unspeakably painful things to Sforza; I had to smile at her scenes with Francesca the maid; her inexperienced yet successful attempts at seduction amused me greatly; I cheered when I saw that she had made allies in the household; I was filled with glee when she got her own revenge on Sforza, separate from her family. Love how we can totally see her trajectory from naive youth to powerful, terribly accomplished grown woman we know she'll become. Yeah, this girl gives me so many ~feelings I cannot even.

-Francesca and Paulo are pretty sweet. Love how they care about Lucrezia, standing outside the door, oh my heart~ Not terribly minding Lucrezia trying to seduce Paulo, he's pretty obviously willing to be seduced, although the power thing between them as mistress/servant makes me a little worried. Lucrezia genuinely seems to care about the servants though, so there's that. I think she's just trying to make something with her own power, without the taint of Sforza. Poor girl. :( The patty-cake thing was a little weird though...

-I've decided that Cesare should always wear civvies. Cardinal robes are all well and good, but damn does that boy wear leather well. Particularly leather pants. IN THE RAIN. YUM YESPLZ

-Also in the rain: SWORDFIGHTS. And swordfights in general. ♥

Other thoughts:

-The opening scene where Rodrigo's dreaming was seriously freaky. I hope he takes them to heart and looks into it more! I got a little lost in the exchange and couldn't figure out if he was getting his second-in-command to investigate or not...

-Kind of in that vein: really Rodrigo? Taking Geoffre (sp?) up on that offer so soon? Well damn, you magnificent, manipulative bastard. No wonder he had so many damn kids.

-Which reminds me: Isn't Juan supposedly not Rodrigo's son? But then whose son would he be? Can you be an illegitimate illegitimate child? HMMM, THINGS THIS SHOW HAS NOT ADDRESSED.

-Cesare, what what what are you doing? Seriously.

-I hope many more painful things happen to you, Sforza. Cannot wait to see what other ways Lucrezia gets revenge on him. HER SMILE~

-Ursula's husband was such a dick. Not sorry to see him dead, although I maintain that that whole storyline was pretty ridiculous. I couldn't even appreciate Cesare's usually delicious angst. And come on, he had more chemistry with Michelleto than Ursula, and I don't even like that stuff. :/

Umm, I might have other thoughts on this but I've forgotten them now. Might add more later. Here's to hoping for more C/L soon...


In other news, I am inordinately pleased with my new tumblr layout. And it took me so damn long to find one I liked! Still need to figure out how to work the damn thing properly damn you tagging system!, but at least now it's pretty to look at. *_* Maybe I'll actually get around to using it more...

Is it weird how much I enjoy looking at my journal too? I'm just so pleased by them both now...


PS -

Dear Interwebz,

Can there please be a Lucrezia Borgia tumblr? I just need this in my life, kthnx.


EDIT: I am now subscribing to this approach on my interpretation of the Borgia children's "romances." (Warning: spoilers in the link.)

episode reaction post, tv: the borgias, tumblr, technological difficulties

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