I should be asleep. I should not be posting but not long ago I read something which has left me rather agitated and I need to scream somewhere. Here has been chosen.
First last night when I was similarly agitated. I was responding to
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Comments 7
"We're not all like that." NO THAT'S NOT THE POINT
Therefore the logic mentioned in the post only shows ignorance to how the system worked.
2) Autism affects women too, we all know that. Some people who call themselves feminists are real heroes that contribute to where we are now, others who carry the same card are indeed quite as intolerant and mean-spirited as the 'conservatives' they so oppose.
If we were to be discussing the topic you are talking about, I might say that the problem is it seems to be classified indeed as an innate disorder when it ought not to be. People might seek counselling for distress caused by the general intolerance of our society or the specific intolerance of individuals, or if their particular dysphoria is so intense as to impair their functioning, but they should not be considered disordered simply because of who they are.
Other states of being have been in similar positions and are not now considered disorders - homosexuality, left-handedness, red hair. It is not an innate disorder of the functioning of our medical system.
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