.picspam: orange-fleece!Rodney and John-related neck porn

Jul 14, 2007 22:53

There are two impulses behind this picspam, which itself has two foci.

1: Between the ineffable suckiness of yesterday and the fact that my stock collection has become woefully thin in terms of images I haven't used, I decided it would be a good idea to start going through my DVDs and pulling caps as a way to cheer myself up and be productive. I started off with SGA S1 "Rising," and it occurred to me that "Rising" has Rodney in his orange fleece. Those of you who know me know I love Rodney in his orange fleece. A good portion of the caps from both parts of "Rising" are of Rodney in his orange fleece.

2: While taking a break from work earlier today, I was hunting around my stock collection for some icons for flyakate (which made me realize how woefully thin said collection is), and I was thinking about dogeared's and my recent exchange over John in a turtleneck and how it would drive Rodney up the wall, and so I decided, hey, I did the slink, so now it's time for some neck porn.

(It goes without saying that this is very image-heavy.)

So, pick your poison:

ETA6 to substitute!

Infinite thanks to omens for providing *smish!* Not from "Rising," but it's the orange fleece and the warm curled-upness that's important here.

Now, come with me.

I can't explain my love of orange-fleece!Rodney. Maybe it's the shoulders. Maybe. What do you think?

ETA: Or, as many of you have pointed out, his orange, cuddly, warm, snarky adorableness. *heart*


One of the things I love about "Rising" is how controlled Rodney is. He's the one who calls the shots on evacuating the city despite Elizabeth's protests, finds John the puddlejumpers, reassures Elizabeth that she did the right thing allowing John to go on the rescue mission, and in the meantime does his best to keep the city from sinking. Yay, brilliant scientists!


At this moment I dislike Robert Cooper and Brad Wright because they are getting in the way of a great icon. I'm determined to salvage this shot, because enthusiastic!Rodney cannot be let go to waste like that. But, oh, his hands.

(And, I should add, the way his jacket covers his wrists up to his knuckles IS SO TERRIBLY CUTE.)

Enthusiastic and geeking-out!Rodney! ♥

I love how the hands are already going in the first episode, and his triumphant, "Yes, I am very smart" grin as he finishes explaining something that goes completely over O'Neill's head.

ETA: Because I completely and unforgivably forgot! John co-opting Rodney's Hands of Enthusiastic Explanation, and Rodney's like, "Uh, those are mine."

Rodney's so rubbed off on him *shifty, innuendo-laced look*

*sigh* Thassit. O, for more fleece!

Yeah, so I started out with Brendan Dean, not John. So sue me. *phbbt* And here are a couple of shots from JF's guest-starring role in Dawson's Creek. I'm pretty sure his character has a name, but I was kind of distracted. Eh, not important.

Would not mind higher-quality caps of this, no sir.

I'm not going to try for coherency here. I mean, the line of his neck is just... *head.hit.keyboard* A beautiful thing.

Granted, he's in the background here and Rodney is very distracting, but still.

The middle one is all sorts of 'yes.'

You will, of course, notice that the first one features The Zip-Up, which is one of those things that kind of redeems the world a bit for me. And in the third, his smile! ♥

Like some of you mentioned in reference to the slinkyness of John Sheppard picspam, the back of his neck is very mmmmmm-worthy. Someone brought up geishas, and how the back of the neck is left unpainted... and yes. Yes. Someone, please, geisha!John. Please. *tugs*

The second one... just... just... Oh my God *flails helplessly*

The first one eventually became the base for an icon I did for dogeared. The caption for it, "All Day Study," comes from a great old blues song that incorporates the phrase "You're my all day study/you're my midnight dream," with some variations following. My personal favorite is Foghat's "You're my all day study/you're my midnight dream/You need love, I need love,/rock me baby, 'til I scream."

In the second, I'm torn between "nnngh" and "what a doofus." ♥

ETA7: I have no idea how I managed to forget this, considering I icon'ed it, but it's worth adding because, hey, The Zip-Up, the hand porn, the slouch, the smirk... the perfect storm:

And finally, because this is my picspam:

Also, it occurred to me while rewatching "Underground" a couple weeks ago that the uniform pants from S1 seem to be tighter than in subsequent seasons. This may require further investigation.

ETA: Now with vaguely pornographic but very hot musings on various McKay and Sheppard body parts and how they might interact here, here, and here.

ETA2: chopchica has written fleece and neck-inspired porn. Go and reeeead eeet!

ETA3: sunnyd_lite has written Rodney obsessing while John shaves. Featuring a straight razor and towel riding on John's hips.

ETA4: lovbrick has written sorta-geisha!John! Eee! Read it read it read it!

ETA5: The awesomeness continues with ladycat777's ficlet, in which Jeannie sees Rodney's radioactively orange fleece and much cuddling and awwwww ensue.

I love picspams! People write things because of them :)

In completely unrelated news: I just signed up for MSN the better to communicate with smilla02, but if anyone wants to talk, I'm aesc36 @gmail.com when I remember to sign on.

the pretty, sga:fic.mcshep, fic.commentish, sga:yay!, orange fleece!

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