Massive Stargate (and farscape) Re-Watch

Aug 22, 2013 19:01

Hello LJ friends! Just got back from Chicago's Stargate Convention and I'm all excited about hopping back into this hobby. I generally only rewatch Seasons 9 and 10, and one certain episode from Season 8 -- you know who you are ;) -- so I thought, it's been a while, maybe I should go back and rewatch all the eps. Season 1 and 2 will be hard to get ( Read more... )

farscape, sg-1, sga, convention

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Comments 14

kehwie August 23 2013, 00:49:08 UTC
You know you won't bore me. ;) But that's just me, I guess.


aeryn_b August 23 2013, 00:52:11 UTC
Let's see. If there's one that you don't want to watch, I can give a brief summary of what you're missing... Although... Well, there are a ton of wikis and episode guides out there, so I guess I don't really have to give you a summary. Maybe I'll just point out best lines or something. ;)


kehwie August 23 2013, 00:55:31 UTC
*giggles* You're such a good enabler. No, I'll put on my big girl panties and watch the eps myself. *dramatic sigh*

Actually it's more fun to have someone to discuss it with as you go--something you don't usually get a blazillion years after the series ends. So it'll be fun to have someone to bounce thoughts/themes/lines off of.


aeryn_b August 23 2013, 00:58:21 UTC
Cool! So. Hmm... When should we start this massive undertaking? O_O Do you want to start with the original movie or the Children of the Gods? Do you have time tonight?!? *bounces* I don't know why I'm so hyper. Season 1 is gonna blow chunks it's so bad. LOL!


lc59 August 23 2013, 01:28:54 UTC
I won't be bored either. I'm not likely to be actually rewatching at the moment(perhaps later on in September)but I'm quite happy to hear whatever anybody wants to say.
(I will say though that the only two episodes I try to avoid are "Bane"and that one with the thing that pins Jack to the wall)


aeryn_b August 23 2013, 03:20:27 UTC
Well then, maybe I will blog a little. :)

Bane... oh with the giant mosquito bugs. Yeah, that's icky. :(

Can't remember the other one. It'll probably come to me once I'm watching it.


Children of the Gods aeryn_b August 23 2013, 03:22:43 UTC
Well, Children of the Gods got us off to a good start. Lots of Air Force-y stuff on Earth. Lots of crazy costumes on Abydos and Chulak. Super hot Daniel/Sha're kiss. ;) RDA was really a breath of fresh air for this series. If they'd gotten someone to play it as straight as Kurt Russell did, I think this series would've fallen flat on its pilot. Jack's practically the only one cracking jokes and it's such a relief when he does.

Some of the funny things I noticed.
1) They totally overuse "with all due respect." Reminds me of the audiobook "Half-Life" when Vala says (paraphrase) "Why is it whenever any Tau'ri says 'with all due respect' what they really mean is 'shut the hell up'?"
2) Daniel/Michael Shanks licks his lips. A LOT! It's really hilarious at times.
3) Can't remember other funny things. Kawalsky was a good guy to play off Jack's humor. It's gonna be sad to see him go next ep. :( But Janet should be there so that's nice. :)


Re: Children of the Gods campylobacter August 23 2013, 07:57:54 UTC
Heyyyy post this in an entry all its own! No one gets sees it unless they check back on this thread or enables the Track Comment Thread icon. Your milkshake brings all the fans to the yard.


Re: Children of the Gods aeryn_b August 23 2013, 14:13:02 UTC
Ok, ok. But you know how shy I am. *bites lip* I just know nobody's gonna care about this.... Aw, nevermind. I shouldn't care about bothering people. Just gotta get over myself. haha. Thanks for the kick in the pants, campy. :)


Re: Children of the Gods kehwie August 23 2013, 13:47:04 UTC
Until/unless you make a separate post, I'll just say here that Children of the Gods was waaaaaaay better than I expected. I didn't think I'd like it at all, but I did. :)


campylobacter August 23 2013, 07:54:49 UTC
Please do post your ep reactions! I'd love to see them in my Friends List & discuss them; there's not much Stargate content on LJ these days, so this might get SG-1 fans out of hiding & boost the fandom.

One of the best SG-1 episodes EVER is Season 1's Torment of Tantalus.

Also, when I try to rewatch Farscape, I get stuck on Exodus from Genesis because of, um, staring at Claudia Black's legs. ;D


aeryn_b August 23 2013, 14:10:54 UTC
Who doesn't love staring at Claudia's legs? ;) I love those early eps when John and Aeryn are banging into each other on the ship, whenever it rocks or veers, or they're taking cover from a crazy alien with a gun or something. Yeah. They even did pre-ship right on that show! LOL!

I *am* looking forward to Torment of Tantalus. That was on Heliopolis, right? There's a mention of that planet in the audiobook Duplicity. I always thought the gate had been destroyed, maybe I was wrong. Wouldn't be the first time. :)


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