Title: Necessity (Extended Cut)
Author: Aerows
Pairing: Cara/Kahlan
Rating: M
Warnings: Contains sex
Length: 5,000
Disclaimer: Legend of the Seeker and The Sword of Truth do not belong to me, unfortunately. No profit is made from this work, it's just for fun and no infringement is intended.
Summary: Cara is stricken with a powerful spell, and
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Comments 33
*bows to the epicness of the extended badassery that is AMAHIZZLE*
As always, thanks for the comments.
One thing I noticed that is humorously different in this version is this line: “I've never been caressed with a mouth before...”
In the edited version, it actually says more, LOL. That Lord Rahl would never let her be taken that way.
Anyway, thanks again for the good read.
I would combine them, but they are already out there, and perhaps have different flavors. I like that you picked up on the different tones.
... - another MaiTai then?... :)
Hm...I like both, but I think I like the shorter (edited) version better. [Now you have 2 different opinions, mine & #greatshow's.) :)
Part of what I preferred in this extended cut was the further interaction/dialogue between Cara & Kahlan, intimacy-wise, afterward.
But, like #greatshow wrote, some aspects of the Lord Rahl part weren't in this version, in the aftermath, and I missed it.
[More observations & opinions of preference...I'd be happy to share; PM.]
P.S. I really like opportunities to see a writer's before/after editing decisions & changes. It's just a neat opportunity to see what decisions were made, and mentally categorize the kinds of changes & guess at the 'why's. Thank you! :)
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