weekly round-up 32

Aug 16, 2009 19:14

Omg don't laugh at me when you see Drastically Redefining Protocol on here. It totally flew under my radar! Which brings me to two things I ask of you, dear readers:

1. NAME YOUR ALL-TIME FAVORITES. Because what if I missed moar!?
2. Should I compile a list of all the regular recommendations alongside the bolded titles on the Round-Up Primer, or is that excessive?

Dire questions, ain't they? *nodnod* In other news: OMG I BUTCHERED MY HAIR AND LOOK LIKE A BOY NOW. I was trying to get Agyness Deyn's old cut but I'm neither thin nor blonde enough to look that cool =..= Oh well. At least it's new! I was so sick of my bob.

Trend of the week: HODGE PODGE. Three different stories for One True Pairing.

Weekly Round-Up
Titles in bold are extra-recommended ♥

Merlin recs

Something Beautiful by cherrybina (NC-17, 5k)
Summary: Arthur/Merlin, underage. King Arthur meets his new manservant, a 16-year-old boy named Merlin.
Notes: Seeing as how this is one of my hugest, most sordid kinks, I think it's pretty safe to say I friggin' loved this. Lolita!Merlin is SO SMEXY and I love how torn Arthur is about giving in to the relationship. In general, I love age differentials because of their inherent power plays and mega-angst. So much fun. On the other hand, if underage is a squick of yours then this story probably isn't for you. BUT JUST YOU TRY AND STOP ME FROM BOLDING THIS.

Looking After You is a Full-Time Job by toestastegood (PG, 2k)
Summary: Arthur/Merlin, established relationship, future!fic. Arthur and Merlin have to sail across the sea on a quest.
Notes: I don't even like established relationships but this fic was just cute, cute, cute. Seasick!Arthur! Mild hurt/comfort!! Gotta love it.

Drastically Redefining Protocol by rageprufrock (NC-17, 46k)
Summary: Arthur/Merlin, modern!AU. Arthur is the Prince of Wales and Merlin is a medic who's had a crush on Arthur his entire life.
Notes: HAHAHA OH MAN, AM I LATE TO THE PARTY. This has long been established as a fandom classic and I DIDN'T GET THE MEMO. Oh well, I am only human. As for the story, it's long, sappy, and satisfying. On the other hand, the boys get together early on so I began to lose interest about 80% into the story, only to skim the rest. PLEASE DO NOT HANG ME, I IS ONLY BEING TRUTHFUL. I think you guys probably know by now anyway, I have the attention span of a gnat so if you can do plotty and you can do established relationships, then don't mind me and (re)read this classic.

Looking for previous recs? Check the tag. For FAQ and list of all bolded titles, check the primer.

weekly round-up

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