Title: All In A Weeks Day
Author: Aeron Lanart
Genre: Highlander/Star Trek: Voyager crossover
Rating: PG-13 but does contain a references to a multiple relationship so if such things offend, don't read!
Warnings/Spoilers: AU for both Highlander and Voyager. No warnings/Spoilers otherwise.
Disclaimer: Trekstuff is owned by Paramount/Viacom. Highlander stuff is owned by Davis/Panzer productions
Marahet the immortal belongs to Alis
Title from the song of the same name by A Wedding Anniversary.
OCC prompt = Trust
Long summary/meta/general waffle about this AU behind this nice little cut
Where to start? First a bit about Siannon O'Niall; she existed as an OC long before I ever posted to LJ, and actually appeared first in my Voyager fic as I wanted to see how the Voyager crew would deal with an immortal. Yup, that eternal 'what if?' again. Siannon accidentally went through a wormhole and ended up in the Delta Quadrant and on Voyager. Since then she found her way back into the Highlander time line (in Tower of Strength and Beyond Chivalry), forward to Torchwood's time and then back to early in her own timeline (Small Magics).
This fic is pretty much the last ever Trek fic I wrote (bar one) or more accurately I should say it's the last one I completed as it originally drew breath as a collaboration between me and another crossover loving fanfic writer way back in 1998/9 as we thought our OFCs Siannon and Marahet would get on like a house on fire. At this point she was writing Marahet in Highlander/Sentinel crossovers and I was writing Siannon in Highlander/Voyager crossovers. Once we'd sussed out how to get them to meet across universes and 400 years, we got cracking, but didn't finish it. I completed it alone, without further input as I'd lost contact with my co-author, about 4 years ago. Now I've started writing more frequently again, there are things I would like to change about it, but as some of them weren't even written by me I've decided to leave it pretty much as is, warts and all.
In this part of the AU Voyager didn't get home in 2378, lots more people have been having kids on the ship, Janeway and Chakotay are an item and Siannon is in a stable, married relationship with B'Elanna Torres, Harry Kim and Tom Paris. The story of how they got there, The Binding of Souls, may or may not get posted here.
My only problem now is trying to get my head around Trek and Who in the same universe. I'm sure I'll manage eventually...
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,