Fic: Reign of Scars; 7/15 [PG-13] TW/HL/DW crossover. Fix!it Big Bang

Mar 29, 2014 17:50

Title: Reign of Scars
Author: aeron_lanart
Beta: idontlikegravy
Artist: idontlikegravy - Art!.
Fandom(s): Highlander/Torchwood/Doctor Who (part of the Mystery Verse, my existing AU)
Characters/pairing: Gwen/Rhys, Siannon O'Niall (OFC) and Richie Ryan, with appearances from lots of other Torchwood and Doctor Who characters (both Classic and New Who).
Rating/Warnings: PG-13/teen. The only warnings are for language and angst, as it is a post Children of Earth story in the Torchwood scheme of things and the outcome of CoE is NOT the thing that's being fixed in this fic. Miracle Day is ignored in this verse. This is the direct sequel to Shattered in Aspect and includes some dialogue from that fic as part of it takes place in the same time period.
Disclaimer: The BBC/RTD own the Torchwood/Who universe and its characters. Panzer/Davis Productions own the Highlander universe and its characters. I own the OCs.
No copyright infringement intended, no profit made. Title and quote from the song of the same name by Pro-Jekt.

Summary: The Torchwood Hub is a hole in the ground, Jack Harkness has fled with no-one any the wiser as to his whereabouts and Gwen is dealing with an unplanned pregnancy. However, while she still stands, there's a chance Torchwood could rise from the ashes of its destruction even though the road ahead is hidden in the shadows. This is the story of what happened to Torchwood in this verse during the 6 months at the end of Children of Earth, after the 456 and the destruction of The Hub, while Jack and Methos were wandering the world.

Written for Fix-it Big Bang fixitstory. Please go here to see the lovely art.
Can also be read at AO3.

~ 6 ~


At first glance it wasn't obvious that the new medical bay was essentially a portakabin; it looked every bit as clean and clinical as it should and Siannon couldn't help but be proud of it. The beauty of its modular structure was that it would be able to be transported to their new permanent home with a minimum of fuss when the rest of the conversion of St James had been completed and the old church was ready for Torchwood to move in. Until then, she could get used to it, and all the equipment it contained; equipment that she was able - and genuinely certified as competent - to use. It had taken some manoeuvring and a fair bit of technological high jinx courtesy of Simon to get her onto courses she strictly speaking did not have the right to attend, then hard work on her part to get through them but now she was ready for the title of Torchwood medic in truth rather than feeling like a glorified first aider. She patted the last item to be delivered - a top of the range ultrasound scanner - and glanced around one more time before carefully closing the door behind her, running through inventories and scheduling the long-due medical assessments of the team in her head as she made her way to the office.

Gwen had an appointment that morning, one that Siannon - and Rhys - would not let her miss so it fell to Siannon to make the visit to the old Hub site. She hadn't been there for a while as she'd been too busy in her pursuit of gaining qualifications and she was surprised at how much had changed. The crater in the Plas was still a crater, but much of the rubble had been cleared and it looked forlorn as much as anything else, and though the pain was less she still felt the jolt of sorrow at the sight of the broken water tower. Siannon wondered, not for the first time, how much longer they had before UNIT was ordered to fill it all back in, reconstruct the water tower and make the Plas look as if nothing had happened. She hoped they would be settled into their new home first even though that was still months away.

It seemed she was still a familiar face as she was waved through the perimeter with little formality and then left to find her way to Bambera's office alone.

"Siannon! You have not graced us with the pleasure of your company for too long. It is good to see you." Ancelyn's smile of greeting was wide and genuine, as he bent over her hand with a wink.

Siannon smiled back at him, she rather liked his formality as it reminded her of different times and different places. "One day, Ancelyn, you'll just say hello and I will die of shock."

"I would never do such a thing to you," Ancelyn said with a grin and kissed her hand.

"Ancelyn, put her down; we have work to do," Bambera called from inside the room.

"Duty calls, dear lady." Ancelyn released her hand, pushed open the door of the office for her and bowed as he closed it behind her. She heard his footsteps echoing down the corridor as she pulled up a chair beside Bambera's desk.

"Do we really?" Siannon asked.

"Have work to do?" Bambera continued. "In a way, yes. But first I need to return something." She fished inside her jacket and removed a bulky envelope, placing it on the surface between them. "We've been clearing out the medical bay recently but everything seemed to be just rubble and slag; then we found that." Bambera tapped the package and pushed it across the desk toward Siannon.

"Where was it?" Siannon asked as she picked it up.

"Buried in amongst the remains of what looked like an autopsy drawer. Ross found it, and brought it straight to me."

"If this is what I think it is, I'm going to buy Ross a very large drink when he's next off duty."

She carefully opened the envelope, slid out the rather battered looking piece of electronic equipment from inside and couldn't stop the grin from spreading across her face. It was very much a sight for sore eyes

"I assume it is what you thought it was? Some sort of medical scanner I presume."

"Yes and yes. This is a Bekaran scanner and if it works, you and Ross have just made my life as a Torchwood medic a hell of a lot easier. Even better, I already know how to use it." She pressed a few buttons in a particular sequence and the scanner gratifyingly lit up, she switched it off again rapidly.

"It works?"

"Seems to be fine apart from needing to be recharged and luckily we won't have a problem doing that. So much never made it out of the Hub and that this did is probably thanks to Owen Harper, our previous medic. He had a tendency to store things in the oddest of places and if none of the others knew how to use this or remembered it was there, then it would have stayed right where he left it."

"I'm glad about that. It's good to actually retrieve something that is still of use, I was beginning to think there was nothing else left."

"You and me both. Is Ross on duty?"

"He's still on site, yes."

"Then I shall go and thank him in person."

"And promise him that drink?"

"Something like that." Siannon gave Bambera a quick grin, slid the Bekaran scanner back into the envelope and then secreted it into her own coat. She couldn't think of a better present than the scanner for the official opening of the medical bay.

"Want some company?" Bambera asked.

"Yeah, why not; we'll terrify them."

"A little bit of terrifying is good for the soul - and keeps them in line," Bambera said with a grin.

Siannon chuckled as she got out of the chair and held the door open for brigadier Bambera, the woman managed to terrify the grunts just by breathing so Siannon couldn't help but look forward with twisted glee to witnessing what Bambera's actual presence would do to them. She could laugh about it later with Gwen.

Back at the warehouse and the medical bay, Siannon placed the scanner under a uv light, with luck it should be fully charged by the time Gwen arrived back and she would be able to give it a proper work out. While Gwen had an official obstetrician and midwife, Siannon was very glad to now have the wherewithal to check for problems with Gwen's pregnancy right down to the cellular level, both for Gwen and the baby. Siannon had been unable to completely quiet the nagging voice at the back of her mind that said Torchwood would mess this up just like it had messed up Gwen's life and she had no doubt that Rhys felt the same, and probably Gwen too though she would more than likely deny that if asked. At least now Siannon would be able to keep a close eye on mother and baby herself and hopefully lay all their fears to rest. None of them mentioned it but the baby was their hope, their tangible reminder outside of Torchwood that life went on and like Gwen and Rhys, she would defend that child to the best of her ability - to death and back again if necessary.


One of the spare rooms on Siannon's floor of the house had been converted to a small exercise studio/dojo. Johnson and Simon shared the top floor, Siannon had the middle floor, and the common areas like the kitchen, lounge and dining room were on the ground floor. It was a system that gave them all privacy while enabling Siannon to keep a not always surreptitious eye on the other two.

She and Johnson still went to David Wong's place as time allowed but as rift activity increased the pace of normal Torchwood tasks picked up and they found themselves with less time to do so. The home studio had been the best compromise in Siannon's opinion though she wasn't sure - and didn't really care - if Johnson agreed with her or not.

"Tell me again just why we are doing this?" Johnson asked from her position on the floor. It had taken Siannon a fair bit of effort to put her there and anyone else would have looked undignified but Johnson never did, there was always a gravitas around her when anything martial was involved.

"Because we can?" Siannon answered with an impish smile. "And I thought it was a good idea."

"Besides that, " Johnson said as she got to her feet and headed to the small water cooler in the corner. Siannon settled onto the bench against the wall and leant her head back, watching as Johnson carefully sipped her cup of water.

"I can tell you one reason, but I doubt you'll like it," Siannon said.

"Only one?" Johnson set her cup aside and glared; Siannon met the glare with a smile.

"It's a start, don't knock it."

"Then bloody well get on with it and tell me!"

Siannon shifted on the bench, turning to face Johnson a little more.

"What do you know of John Hart?" Siannon asked.

"That he's trouble on legs, usually armed to the teeth, non-terrestrial in origin and liable to turn up when you least expect him or want him around."

"That's him in a nutshell all right. The 'armed to the teeth' doesn't just include the sort of weaponry you'd anticipate; he also carries a sword and from what I've heard he very definitely knows how to use it. He's used to Torchwood facing him with guns and ingenuity; swords are something he won't expect."

Siannon managed not to chuckle at the face Johnson pulled and instead moved further along the bench to make room for her.

"Now that makes more sense," Johnson said as she joined Siannon on the bench while remaining a safe distance from her - something that was not lost on Siannon. "Why didn't you tell me it was a matter of security?"

"Would you have believed me, Aggie?"

Johnson frowned. "Siannon…"

"Well, would you?" Siannon demanded. She knew Johnson hated her name, especially when abbreviated, but using it was a good way of ensuring her attention was caught and remained focused on what was being said.

"No. Not at first at least."

"Exactly. Easier to let you think it was just another way to wind you up and score points off you."

"But not necessarily more effective."

"Oh I don't know… doing it like this has meant that you've been acting like you've got something to prove and consequently I think you've taken sword work more seriously."

"I never take weapons work anything but seriously, you know that; lives depend on it."

"That's as may be, but you do everything with military precision and organisation. You may be damn good but doing it like this has meant you've put your heart into it just that little bit more and I think you've done better because of that. You have to be creative with a sword, not just precise."

"You may have a point."

"I know I have."

"Oh don't get all holier than thou about it, Siannon; you know you enjoy trying to wind me up."

Siannon gave Johnson a one-sided shrug and a flash of a smile. "Guilty as charged," she said.

Johnson leaned back with a smirk of her own, as if she were pleased at getting Siannon to admit to that.

"So, John Hart is one reason for training me with the sword; what about the others?"

"All in good time - and right now is not a good time."

"You are infuriating," Johnson said.

"I know, but I'm good with a sword all the same. Now come on, we've time for another round."


There was something of a festive atmosphere when Siannon officially used the Bekaran scanner for the first time since its rediscovery; she'd checked it was still working on herself, knowing what her results should be and was happy that apart from cosmetic damage it hadn't suffered in the explosion. She silently thanked Owen again for his quirks and foibles that had ensured its survival. She'd called Rhys in to be with Gwen when she did the scan and he was holding Gwen's hand as the information about their child scrolled across the screen. She smiled as she laid the scanner to one side.

"Well?" Asked Rhys, nervous as any first time dad would be.

"Mother and baby are both in perfect health," Siannon said.

"Thank God. Isn't that wonderful?" He hugged Gwen tight and Siannon could have sworn she saw an errant tear sneak down his face. She didn't blame him.

"Best news ever. Oh Rhys!" Gwen laughed, hugging Rhys back just as tightly. Siannon let them have their moment as she carefully put the Bekaran scanner away. She turned back to them at the sound of Rhys clearing his throat. He was still holding Gwen's hand, but they were no longer clinging to each other.

"Siannon, I need to ask you something."

"Fire away, Rhys."

"Is it safe for Gwen still to work here?"

"Rhys!" Gwen interrupted, pulling her hand away.

"No Gwen, I'm serious." He grabbed her hand again. "I've only known about Torchwood a short while, and yet in that time one thing has been brought home to me above all others. If you work for Torchwood you die, and you die young. I don't want to lose you and I don't want to lose our baby before it's even had a chance to live. Do you think I'm wrong to feel like that? Because if you do…" Rhys' voice broke and he sniffed, turning his face away for a moment.

"No I don't, how could I?" Gwen said in a small voice. "I love you."

"But you also love bloody Torchwood. I can't compete with that, but I also want to keep you safe, like you want to keep the whole damn world safe. Charity begins at home, Gwen."

There was silence in the room, and it was very definitely not a comfortable silence. Siannon took it upon herself to break it and possibly relieve some of the tension.

"One thing I can promise Rhys is that I will do everything to protect them both," she said in as calm a tone of voice as she could manage.

"Thank you. But you can't take a bullet for her and survive like sodding Jack Harkness."

"Um, well, actually I can."

Rhys and Gwen reacted to that revelation simultaneously.

"W..what?!" Stuttered Rhys.

"Siannon!" Hissed Gwen, her indignation only too apparent.

"Leave it Gwen; this is my decision," said Siannon and turned her attention solely to Rhys. "Jack is not the only immortal on the planet, Rhys. I've known for a long time that I don't age and die like normal people do so I can guarantee that when I say I'll protect them I mean it - even to the death. Not that I expect that to happen because Gwen is going to do just what she's told for a change, aren't you Gwen?"


"See, she agrees. Now the beauty of the Bekaran scanner is that it will alert me to any incipient problems before they would be detectable by normal means. I am going to watch her like a hawk and do regular scans and if I find any problems, she's going to be suspended from field duty whether she likes it or not. It's only a matter of time before she has to come off active duty anyway."


"Shut up, Gwen. As your medical officer I am entitled and required to make those decisions. I have a duty of care towards you, the baby and the rest of the team and I take that duty damn seriously. Does that ease your mind, Rhys?"

Rhys was gaping at her like a stranded fish, most probably due to her revelation of immortality, but he gathered himself together enough to nod.

"Good. Now I think I should leave you two alone, and inform the rest of the team of the forthcoming happy event as we'd originally planned. You know where I am if you need me."

"Thanks, Siannon," mumbled Rhys as she strode out of the medical bay. Siannon did not look back; she didn't want to be witness to the argument she knew was going to be happening on the other side of the door. She was glad she'd opted for soundproofing in the construction of the medical bay as it meant that she didn't have to *hear* the argument either, though muffled raised voices were just about audible as she headed off to find the rest of the team.


After Siannon had broken the news of Gwen's pregnancy to the rest of the team, nothing overtly changed but Gwen was aware of subtle differences in the attitude of the team. Siannon's was the most obvious as well as being the easiest to explain; in Siannon's eyes being medic was at least as important, probably more so, than being second in command. It also made Gwen understand the basis of some of Owen's bedside manner - or lack of it; Siannon reminded her of him more and more, painfully so at times.

As for the others, Gwen found that harder to pin down but there was a difference, she wasn't imagining it. She found it ironic that she recognised it in Johnson first; it was a new sort of respect, one that was not born of remorse or fear. Understanding was one thing but it was still a little disconcerting and not something she could discuss with anyone living, not even Rhys. The dead were a different matter; they at least said nothing that made her feel daft and hormonal.

It was also with some relief that Gwen greeted the signs that things were starting to get back to Torchwood normal. Chasing weevils had never exactly been her favourite activity and besides the odd bit of debris and a stray Hoix or two, that was mostly what they'd been doing.

The arrival of a rift returnee meant a trip out to Flat Holm, the second since Gwen had stepped into Jack's shoes. As with the previous trip, only Siannon accompanied her although she had ensured that the others knew of the place at least - she didn't want anyone else finding out about Flat Holm in the way that she had, it was heart-rending enough as it was. It went about as well as she'd expected, leaving them both in a foul mood by the time they were back in Cardiff which didn't surprise her - she knew how helpless Flat Holm and the need for it made her feel and expected Siannon felt just the same, if not worse. What did surprise her was the way that they were frogmarched off to the pub by Johnson on their return, with Lois and Simon aiding and abetting with aplomb.

In the warm confines of the pub Gwen felt herself unwind a little. This was her team and like any good team would, they looked after each other, even if Johnson's approach wasn't exactly one that Gwen would use herself - though she could imagine Siannon using it. The last of Gwen's post Flat Holm tension was swept away on a tide of laughter and she vowed to remember moments like this against the times when everything seemed like it was going to hell, as she knew they would come; they were Torchwood, it was a guarantee that hell would land on their doorstep at some point.


Chapter Seven

highlander, big bang, doctorwho, crossover, mystery_verse, fic, torchwood

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