Writing meme - Day 12, 13 and 14

Jul 24, 2011 18:15

Thought I'd play catch up a little as I don't think any of these questions are going to have particularly wordy answers. Of course, I could be wrong!


12 - Have you ever attempted an "adaptation" fic of a favorite book or movie but set in a different fandom?

13 - Do you prefer canon or fanon when you write? Has writing fanfic for a fandom changed the way you see some or even all of the original source material?

14 - Ratings - how high are you comfortable with going? Have you ever written higher? If you're comfortable with NC-17, have you ever been shocked by finding that the story you're writing is G-rated instead?

12) No
13) Both and sometimes
14) I write all ratings and am never surprised at what level a fic wants to be

Longer answers behind the cut

12) Well, the answer is still no and personally I have no interest whatsoever in transplanting characters into a different fandom without them still being a part of their own - hence my love of crossovers. Having said that, I do read fic that does this occasionally - Reel Torchwood has come up with some gems over the years and Merucha's Count of Monte Cristo also springs to mind.

13) I don't *prefer* fanon to canon - how can I when it is canon that gives us the toys to play with in our fic - but I will sometimes take on board a fanon view of something.

Ianto's sister was called Rhiannon in fanon long before CoE came out and that was a piece of fanon I accepted as my personal canon (a - that he *had* a sister and b - her name) before it was confirmed. Recently there hasn't been a fanon view that has inherently coloured the way I see canon (in a way there is - Nine/Rose/Jack is canon to me and also a strong fanon view but I made the decision that they had a relationship for myself from what was onscreen rather than being persuaded by fanon).

Years back there was a strong fanon view that Admiral Paris had an abusive relationship with his son Tom Paris. The type/severity of the abuse varied but there was always a common thread in fandom that it *did* happen and despite what we saw onscreen in the later series of Voyager I couldn't help but see their relationship in that light.

14) I write smut, I write angst, I write quirky almost-fluff and everything varies as to rating. I managed to write over 12k words of PWP once so adult ratings definitely don't scare me although I do find it quite difficult to persuade the smut muse out to play sometimes. At times I've wanted to write smut into a fic but the muses tell me 'no' so I find I can't and likewise sometimes I've intended a fic to be gen but those pesky muses tell me they want more. If a fic wants to be gen, it'll be gen; if it wants to be adult rated, it will be - whether it's for smut/angst/whatever. What I won't do is just write smut into something for the sake of it if the fic doesn't call for it unless I'm *intending* to write a PWP.

This entry was originally posted at http://a-lanart.dreamwidth.org/227665.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

voyager, doctorwho, meme, crossover, fandom, fic-babble, torchwood

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