Title: All the Myths are True
Author: A Lanart
Fandom: Abney Park/Torchwood
Pairing: None (background Jack/Ianto - kind of)
Characters: Abney Park circa 06-08 - Robert, Kristina, Magdalene, Finn, Nathaniel, Jean-Paul, Daniel. Torchwood Team
Rating: PG
Warnings/Spoilers: crack!fic Mid S2 in the Torchwood scheme of things. Pre Reset.
Abney Park are a steampunk band with alter-egos as Airship Pirates. It just so happens that in this universe, all the myths are true; this is the story of one Captain Robert, his merry band and how they acquired the Airship Ophelia from a certain top-secret government agency, and then had to explain it decades later...
Disclaimer: None of this is mine except for the freaky plot bunny and none of it is used with permission either. I even nicked the title from Abney Park - it kind of seemed appropriate.
A/N: This part is rather... um... indulgent I suppose, but muses wouldn't let the fic progress without it!
Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven Part Eight Part Nine Part Ten Part Eleven ~12~
a short while earlier
Tosh examined the box that Ianto had given Kristina with wary eyes, it seemed over-large to contain items just for her use and she tried to say as much to Kristina who just shook her head and laughed.
"Tosh, honey, what that lovely Welsh boy has done is provided you with a choice, and rightly so. If he'd only sent one outfit over, what would you do if you didn't like it?"
"With Ianto I'm not sure that's possible. He..." Tosh shrugged helplessly, at a loss to explain. If nothing else, she and Ianto understood each other even if - or more probably because - they weren't as garrulous as the rest of the team.
"Your Mr Jones does have a certain style, I have to admit," Kristina agreed. Tosh smiled at her.
"He's not *my* Mr Jones."
"He's your *friend* Tosh. That means after himself he belongs to you as much as he belongs to Captain Shiny Teeth."
Tosh had to giggle at that, Jack's patented smiles did flash his pearly whites to their best advantage, and he knew it. She turned her attention back to the box and its unknown contents.
"So, what did Ianto send?"
As Tosh watched Kristina unpack the box she decided she wouldn't be surprised if it was dimensionally transcendental going by the sheer volume of *things* that were drawn out of its depths; petticoats, bloomers, froths of tulle masquerading as dresses and skirts, blouses, corsets, boots, scarves, belts; lace, velvet, leather, cotton and silk and last of all a smaller box that clinked in a most interesting fashion. Kristina grinned.
"Ianto Jones has a *very* good eye. I think you're lucky that Magdalene isn't travelling with us any more as she'd probably want to kidnap him. Not that either Finn or I would complain if he fancied a trip on the Ophelia."
"Jack might."
"And probably very loudly too. Now let's see... what sort of look would you like?"
"Nothing too restrictive, I need to be able to move!" Tosh glanced at the corsets with regret. "I suppose that rules the corsets out."
"Not in the slightest, you just need to wear the right one. Hmmm. Manoeuvrability, I think we can do that. Now come here..."
Tosh looked at her reflection in the mirror hardly able to believe her eyes. Kristina has persuaded her into a corset after all and she was surprised to find it comfortable and supportive rather than restricting. The soft chemise-like top she wore underneath the corset prevented it from chafing her skin and she loved the contrast of the soft ivory colour both with the gold of her skin and the warm burgundy of the leather. Brass clasps provided extra security for the front fastening of the corset so Tosh didn't feel there was any risk of her falling out of it unintentionally and they also caught the light every time she moved - they'd been polished to almost as high a shine as the buttons on Jack's coat which made Tosh suspect Ianto had been at work. As for the rest of the outfit... Tosh executed a reasonable facsimile of a pirouette in front of the mirror, all the better to admire the bloomers that ended in a cascade of gathered lace just above her knees showing the boots off to perfection. She loved the boots to death and hoped that Kristina would let her keep them; colour wise they matched the corset better than she could have hoped for and they had enough of a heel to keep her happy but her most favourite thing about them was the triple lacing that made them feel like a second skin around her legs. She'd topped the ensemble with a silly, frilly miniskirt that she'd also fallen in love with just so she didn't feel like she was parading around in her underwear. She discovered that Ianto had even catered for her need to not be separated from either her gun or her gadgets and provided a selection of beautifully tooled leather and embroidered canvas pouches that could be either clipped to the corset or slung from a belt around her hips. The woman in the mirror was not the Toshiko Sato that everyone was used to seeing, but Tosh felt like she'd let a part of herself free that few people suspected existed. She struck a pose, glad that the slight creak of the leather had subsided as it warmed to her body temperature and conformed more closely to every curve while allowing her to move more easily.
"You make a damn fine Airship Pirate, Tosh," Kristina said. coming up behind Tosh so she was reflected over her shoulder. "There's just a certain something missing..."
"We could do with making sure your hair matches the rest of you. Trust me?"
"With my hair? Of course I do."
"Then come and sit down so I can see what I'm doing."
Tosh obliged, wondering just what the hell Kristina was going to do. The fingers in her hair were gentle, almost soothing, as they parted and twisted and pinned. Eventually Kristina stepped back with a satisfied sounding mumble and prompted Tosh to turn back toward the mirror with a gentle push. Tosh had to admit that her hair was perfect, it was the half up/half down sort of style that Gwen carried off with such aplomb but that Tosh's too-straight hair struggled to maintain; obviously having someone to help made all the difference. It was held in place with combs and pins decorated with bits of twisted wire, gear cogs and tiny rubies. She shook her head experimentally and was relieved when nothing appeared to fall apart.
"It's perfect, Kristina. Thank You."
"Thank *you* for letting me play dress up. Now I'm off to see if the boys are ready for you to make your grand entrance. I won't be long."
Tosh stared at herself for a little longer until she decided to investigate just what degree of manoeuvrability she could hope for dressed like this. She danced around the room with gusto - all in the name of research of course. The boots seemed pretty robust even when she decided to jump on and off one of the chairs. Kristina came back through the door just as she landed.
"Manoeuvrable enough for you?" Kristina asked with a chuckle.
"I think I'm a corset convert," Tosh agreed with a smile. She felt like a million dollars.
"So are you ready to unveil your new look?"
Tosh spun in place again, laughing.
"You know, I think I just might be!" Tosh was grinning as she and Kristina headed back toward the conference room; she was *really* looking forward to witnessing her team's reactions.
In case you're wondering Tosh's boots and corset were inspired by these...