Title: Shattered In Aspect
Author: A Lanart
idontlikegravyCharacters/Pairing(s): Torchwood Team and CoE characters, Methos and Joe from Highlander: The Series, OFC, The Doctor and TARDIS.
Pairings: Gwen/Rhys, Jack/Ianto, Ianto/Methos, Jack/Methos, (background of Methos/Jack/Ianto)
Rating: PG-15 (M)
Word Count: 28,120
Warnings: It’s a non-fixit Children of Earth story - character death. Lots of Angst; tissues might be required.
Disclaimer: Not Mine! Everything you recognise belongs to either the BBC or Panzer/Davis - no copyright infringement intended.
Summary: Methos, Jack and Ianto deal with events - and each other - both during, and in the aftermath of the 5 days that changed their world.
Author's Notes: Written for
tw_bigbang: Crossover with Highlander: The Series and Doctor Who (set in my ongoing AU,
The Mystery verse).
Some dialogue from Days 2-5 of CoE is used in the fic.
The title is from the song ‘Shattered in Aspect’ by Faith and the Muse, as is the longer quote near the end. Other quotes are from the song ‘No Time to Cry’ by the Sisters of Mercy.
Each part takes place on a separate Day of Children of Earth, starting from Day 2 and continuing beyond Day 5.
Thanks go to my ninja-beta
idontlikegravy and also
mad_jaks, without whom the fic would not have seen the light of day in this incarnation. My flist also deserve a mention for their most excellent cheerleading and encouragement; you’re all stars!
One last thing... remember, I am a sucker for having at least a flicker of light in the darkness.
To Download the fic as word and PDF files, both as one large file and in 5 separate parts, with the art integrated into the fic of the large files, please go to the
Shattered in Aspect webpage.
Also available to read at
AO3, though without most of the art.
Day Two (part 1).
Day Three (part 2).
Day Four (part 3).
Day Five (part 4).
Beyond Day Five (part 5).
You can also see more of the art for the story on the webpage. If you like what you see, please wander over to
idontlikegravy's place and tell her! You can also see the art
Full Size over there.
There is some info for those unfamiliar with Highlander and this AU behind the cut
If you're wondering just who the hell this Methos guy is, then check out the
wiki page which should help, but in a nutshell he's a 5000 year old guy who can't die unless you decapitate him. In the
AU in which this fic is set, Methos wandered into Jack's life after Small Worlds. The relationship between Methos, Jack and Ianto began sometime after They Keep Killing Suzie. Ianto is already familiar with immortals having worked for an organisation called
The Watchers before Torchwood. For further details, you'll just have to read the fics! They are listed in chronological order
here if you're interested.