The Mystery We Are - condensed version: part 2

Sep 21, 2007 10:15

Siannon: I want you to meet some people

Methos: Why?

Siannon: They’re cute

Methos: OK.

Jack: I’m Captain Jack Harkness and I’m immortal.

Methos: Not like me, you aren’t.

Ianto: I’m an ex-Watcher.

Methos: So am I.

Jack: I know the Doctor.

Methos: So do I.

Jack: I’ve been in the TARDIS.

Methos: So have I.

Siannon: I can’t read this.

Methos: I can, I wrote it.

Siannon: I’m going home.

Methos: I’m going to stalk Captain Jack.

Jack: I have no life outside Torchwood.

Methos: We’re going out.

Jack: I am a cheap date.

Methos: Good, more beer for me!

Jack: What’s it like to live for ever?

Methos: No idea, I’m only 5000.

Siannon: Let’s go wave our swords around.

Methos: OK, I’m avoiding Jack anyway.

Siannon: I like dinosaurs, but weevils are scary.

Jack: You’re strange.

Methos: We’re going out.

Jack: I’m still a cheap date.

Methos: Want to come back to my place?

Jack: OK.

Methos: Kiss me you fool.

Jack: I will shove weird glowy stuff down your throat when I kiss you.

Methos: OK. I’ll just electrocute you.

Jack: Wow!

Methos: You think that was wow, wait for the next bit!

Jack: I shagged the Doctor.

Methos: So did I.

Jack: And you didn’t let me watch? I’m going to get my own back.

Methos: Wow!

Siannon: I want details!

Methos: Bugger off. I want a threesome.

Siannon: Bugger off, ask Ianto. Let’s wave our swords around a bit more.

Jack: Ooh sexy.

Methos: I’ll give you sexy.

Jack: Yes please.

Methos: I’m sad. I have to leave.

Siannon: Cheer yourself up and go shag Jack.

Methos: Good idea.

Jack: Very good idea.

Methos: Very, very good idea.

Jack: I’m dead.

Methos: No, I’m dead.

Jack: Good Fun though.

Methos: Bye!

Jack: I’m sad.

Methos: I’ll be back!

mystery_verse, fic

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