Jul 28, 2010 21:49
There is no housekeeping like Loompa housekeeping. Everything that Alice may have touched, other than the weapons, has been replaced or thoroughly cleaned.
Annabelle and Connor have made their way up to the room, bypassing the chaos of the Bar below. Eventually, they'll have to find out what Alice got up to and fix any problems, but not tonight
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Once they're inside their room and the door is locked, Annabelle pulls the same trick Connor did all those months ago.
She shivers a little, and an empath would pick up the tidal wave of NEED from Annabelle that strikes with all the intensity of a drowning man gasping for air.
The mirror consumes everything it touches, feeds on life itself. The Milliways dead don't exactly have a lot of that to spare. She wants to loose herself in him for a while, to ease the ache of all the places in her soul chilled by her stay in the Mirror.
She needs to feel what he feels for her, feel his mind touch hers, bask in his very aliveness like a cat in a sunny spot. Needs to feed her physical senses by hearing his heartbeat, seeing his eyes, tasting his kisses, breathing in the scent of his skin, feeling his body so close to hers and under her hands....
Comforting and spoiling his girlfriend is all that matters, until the deep need is sated and Annabelle feels like herself again.
"I'm glad you figured things out so quickly," she confesses. "Even though having to be rescued in the first place is damn embarrassing."
Heroines do the rescuing, they don't get rescued!
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