Morning After

Feb 12, 2010 15:14

OOC: Takes place after this.

Empathy and telepathy can be a very useful combination when neither of you has a good idea of what you're doing. Things were figured out eventually, and last night was good, very good.

At the moment, Annabelle is lying next to Connor, sleepy, sated, and faintly smug.

milliways, oom

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leadinghome February 12 2010, 21:26:17 UTC
To say Connor is blissful right now would be an understatement.

The smug earns Annabelle a little bit of tickling: his mind is open to her, so words are not necessary.

Why smug?


leadinghome February 13 2010, 01:18:56 UTC
"Hmm, should I wear tags or get a tattoo, then?" Now he is teasing, but still blushing a lot.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 01:26:19 UTC
Annabelle blushes even more. "You do like to tease me, don't you," she says with a small smile.

"I suspect repetition would be my best bet. If you're here and I don't get hurt, it should eventually sink in."

She smiles ruefully, "I learned the hard way to be on guard all the time, I should be able to learn to let one very special person in."


leadinghome February 13 2010, 01:36:29 UTC
"Repetition... yes, I can do that, after all it is not that late in the night yet, and we can sleep late tomorrow..." No deal, he can not keep a straight face along, laughing then drawing Annabelle into a kiss.

"Love you." He can speak when they come up for air.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 01:43:35 UTC
Annabelle laughs along with him and then leans into the kiss.

"Love you too," she says with a bright smile. "I don't deserve you, you know."

Then she grins, teasing, "Although I don't plan on letting that stop me."


leadinghome February 13 2010, 03:12:35 UTC
"I disagree on the not deserving part, but we can leave that for philosophers to discuss."

"But I am not letting that stop me either..."


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 03:21:37 UTC
"Good," Annabelle says with a smile. One hand caresses his face. There are a lot of emotions going through her right now: love, fear of loss, trust, hope, joy.

She's not sure how much of her would survive losing him, but it's been too late to even try and take back her heart for a very long time. She's jumped off the cliff, and there's nothing left to do but hope she'll fly instead of crash.


leadinghome February 13 2010, 03:28:00 UTC
Fly or crash, they will be doing it together.

He is hold to Annabelle, in more than one way. "I am not letting go." Not giving up on this, and not changing his mind.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 03:33:41 UTC
"I don't believe you would, not by choice," she says with a small smile.

Not all of the people she loved left her by their own free will. In Annabelle's experience, Fate is generally cruel.


leadinghome February 13 2010, 09:49:41 UTC
"Screw fate." Connor smiles, drawing her closer. "We make our fate." He survived the End of the World, he can do it.

Stay with the woman he loves.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 16:12:47 UTC
His survival prospects are very good, which is reassuring for Annabelle. Most people would be a little unnerved that their lover was responsible for 1/12 of an apocalypse, she just thinks of it as there being far fewer things in the multiverse that he's not strong enough to kill if he needs to.

"I wouldn't give fate the time of day," she says with a teasing smile. "But I like that plan." Staying with him, that is.


leadinghome February 13 2010, 16:19:00 UTC
"I was hoping you would." Connor smiles back, holding Annabelle. "And I am glad you do."

The next kiss carries a mute question: feelings are shown, settled and approved, the young man wonders about... exploring more since they do have the time to spare.


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 16:24:02 UTC
Annabelle leans into the kiss. His mute question is answered with an enthusiastic yes.

At this rate, they're both going to be very, very tired tomorrow.


leadinghome February 13 2010, 16:27:34 UTC
Sleep late, curled close.

Preferably not getting headlocks?

The sun will be very high in the sky when they stir, but the room is a pleasant dark still.

Connor gives Annabelle's neck a small kiss, breathing in the scent of her skin, pondering the benefits of breakfast or staying close longer.

Staying close wins out. "Hmm..."


aeons_crackshot February 13 2010, 16:37:13 UTC
No headlocks tonight. Possibly, her usual paranoia is quieting down a bit.

The small kiss causes Annabelle to stir a bit and open her eyes. The smile when she sees his face could light up the room. "I could get used to this."


leadinghome February 13 2010, 16:46:56 UTC
"That makes two." He kisses her forehead. "I suppose we could get up, shower and go have breakfast. Or we could stay right here until we get cramps from laying down too long..."

Now, would Annabelle also shower with him? Relaxed enough to be that casual intimate? "I will need to bring a toothbrush over. If we are going to do this often."

Some clothes too...


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