It's the Little Things (Horatio/Speed)

Jul 06, 2008 17:25

Title: It’s the Little Things
Author: Aeon Cole

Rating: FRT

Fandom: CSI: Miami

Pairing: Horatio/Speed

Challenge: 20 Established Relationships // table

Prompt: #3 Pleasure

Word Count: 250

Summary: Life is about the little pleasures.  Just a little drabble about life. Speed’s POV.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Everyone thinks it’s about the sex.  Maybe if we were a straight couple it would be different, maybe not.  But they see me smiling or H whistling in the hallways of the lab and they just assume.  Someone got lucky last night, they think.  But there is so much more to us than just the sex.  Sure we have it, and sure it’s great, even mind-blowing sometimes, but that’s only a part of it.

Just seeing him smile at me does all sorts of things to my insides.  Or when he laughs, really laughs, something he doesn’t do nearly enough.  One of my favorite things to do is to simply spend an evening at home, just the two of us; watch TV or a movie, read or cuddle together on the sofa.  We can talk for hours and never touch on work.  Sleeping next to him at night with his arm draped over me; it doesn’t have to be sexual.

And I love to cook for him.  When we first got together all he had in his kitchen were take-out menus, cans of soup, and a bare refrigerator with a couple of bottles of beer in it.  That was how he survived.  And I know he appreciates having someone to cook for him and I enjoy doing it more because of that.  Sometimes that smile on my face at work is because I know he’s happy and his whistling is because he knows I am.  Life is about the little pleasures.


20_est_relships, csimiami, horatio/speed, friends and family

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