Title: In Another Life: Thoughts
Author: Aeon Cole
Rating: FRT
Warning: Slash (but nothing explicit)
Fandom: CSI: Miami
Pairing: Horatio/Speed, past Horatio/Stetler
Challenge: 12Stories
Misc BPrompt: #4 Thought
Word Count: 540
Summary: Speed’s thoughts on an old relationship.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Author’s Note: Because every so often, I have to write Stetler as an ass.
Speed jogged up the stairs to Horatio’s office with the trace report on their latest case. Horatio had said that he wanted the results as soon as they were available. But he stopped half way up when he noticed that Horatio wasn’t alone in the office. He could see Rick Stetler through the window standing in front of Horatio’s desk. And from the way he was waving his arms around, he could tell they were arguing about something, again.
Speed just rolled his eyes deciding to wait until whatever it was that was going on behind the closed door ended. Besides, it was always amusing to him to watch the two of them go at it. He did wonder, even after all the stories Horatio had told him, just how they had managed to get along and stay together for as long as they did. But Horatio had told him that they never argued back then. He found that hard to imagine.
He was pretty certain that it pissed Stetler off even more that Horatio never seemed to lose his cool. He never got animatedly angry, never waved his arms or stalked around the room. His anger was all in his eyes, that Horatio Caine death-glare. Though, thankfully, he’d never been on the receiving end of it, he’d seen it in action many times; a very effective tool.
He looked up and saw that Horatio had gotten up out of his chair and was now standing in front of Stetler. He saw that Stetler actually took a small step back and Speed couldn’t suppress the slight chuckle that escaped his lips.
He’d tried on many occasions, ever since he’d found out about their past relationship, to picture what it must have been like all those years ago; the two of them together. Horatio had no pictures from those days so he had to use his imagination. He realized that Rick must have been a very different person then for Horatio to have fallen in love with him, if today was any indicator anyway.
He heard the door open and saw Rick call over his shoulder, “Fine, do what you want.” Then he started down the stairs. He paused when he saw Speed and locked eyes with him for a moment. “How do you deal with him every day?” he asked.
Tim shrugged. “How did you?”
Rick shrugged and shook his head then pushed his way past Tim stalking down the stairs and down the hall. Tim smirked. He wandered into Horatio’s office and eyed his lover closely.
“Dare I ask?” he asked with a small smile.
One side of Horatio’s mouth quirked up and he ducked his head. “Probably better if you don’t,” he said and they both laughed.
Tim knew better than to get between the two of them. They fought like an old married couple, though he’d never say that to either of them. “I swear you get a high from pushing his buttons. I still want to know how you two managed to live together for eight months and you both got out alive?” Tim asked.
Horatio just shook his head and answered with the only thing that made any sense to him. “It was another life.”