Heroes: Angels and Monsters

Oct 14, 2008 07:34

I'm going to start off by saying I really, really enjoyed this episode. Besides having one brief Smallvilleesque moment of wondering if the writers are going to start having as many problems with keeping continuity as the Smallville writers have.... I otherwise loved everything else. So if you didn't, you're welcome to move on. :)

Oh, where to begin?? Sylar. We'll start with Sylar so that I can get the YAY!!!! and the ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?? out of the way...

How much did I love that he saved his mama?? It's when they stick to these little characterizations of him that we have seen since season one that I get all with the happiness. I'm still not understanding why people are bitching that he is all goodness and light now. I haven't seen anything as of yet (not counting the future we were given) that has portrayed him as any different from the person he was in season one. Different from season two? Sure. But he was under completely different circumstances last year. He was desperate - he'd had the thing that made him special taken away from him (wouldn't it be positively lovely to have that whole thing with the Company explained to us???), and all he was set on was getting it back. Now he has his specialness back, and he is once more the person I remember from season one - only operating under different circumstances. Operating under wonderful circumstances. Think about it. Sylar has been handed just about everything he could have wanted - he's special, he's working with special people (remember, it was the people who didn't want their abilities that he always told them they were broken), he has a mommy now who is special like him and encourages him in his specialness and he has a purpose (plus there's the bonus of mommy feeding him other specials when she feels the need). I still don't get how or why people are complaining Sylar has changed. I sure didn't see it last night. I mean, he's still occasionally a tad bit slow (anyone who can be knocked out with a bulletin board is a tad bit slow) and he is obviously having a good ol' time playing with people's heads.

I just hope we get more Sylar and Angela interaction. I am still in love with his anger over Peter trying to kill her. They could have gone much deeper with that, with Sylar flashing back to killing Virginia but obviously there is only so much time... Still, Sylar is still such a mama's boy and it's positively fabulous. I want to see that Petrelli family argument - Nathan and Peter versus Mama and Sylar. Ha! Also, it was good to see an inkling of why Future!Claire actually referred to Sylar as her uncle and didn't look forward to having to kill him. I'm hoping *crosses fingers* that this growth we're seeing in Claire as she begins to understand shades of gray in the people around her is something she remembers in to the next volume and doesn't completely forget and have to start all over again the way she has with every other season... So far, how she gets to the future self we glimpsed is the easiest one to believe. She's already becoming a bit disillusioned by her father. And Sylar sure ain't helping now, is he?

How cute was him messing with the radio? And being all indignant that rehabilitation takes time?? ROTFL!! He knows just how to poke at HRG, doesn't he? That humor is the same kind we have always seen exhibited with Mohinder. Again, nothing new there.

Now for my rant... What the hell is up with the writers and Sylar's abilities this season?? First off, them claiming at the beginning that he lost all his powers except TK is the biggest bunch of nonsensical BS I've ever heard in my life. You don't go and make a claim like that without backing it up with an explanation on the show. Second, if you're going to go with a storyline like that, then you damn well better not show him with Ted's ability three episodes later thereby completely negating this Oh, he only kept one original ability BS. And then, an episode after that, not let him have an ability we spent an entire episode watching him get in season one. I swear I was watching Smallville last night. The moment they had Sylar standing there, not hearing the conversation between HRG, Claire and Vortex-man, my husband yells out "Okay, now I'm pissed off at the writers!" Damn straight. This whole "We'll give and take Sylar's abilities with how it fits the storyline" is a page straight out of the AlMiles playbook, and it makes me not a happy camper. They need to stop hiring Smallville staff as of last season. /rant

There is a little I can say about Mohinder other than he was really pretty in that opening shot when he was crouched down. And then he went back to being creepy!Mohinder and I tuned him out the rest of the time. Seriously, when I am silently hoping a Mohinder scene will end quickly, that's not a good thing. What also gives me concern is the fact that there aren't many places they can go with this. We can only hope they give Mohinder the serum that takes his abilities away and that works... But then, Mohinder will never be Mohinder again unless they take his memories away. I just... this storyline can't have a good ending.

I actually liked Claire last night. Or at least where they are finally taking her character. Yes, she was a dumb ass for going in to take on Vortex-man on her own but it was totally something she would do (even season one Claire would have done that), and her sympathy with his plight was also very in character. And I know some people are bitching about her trying to protect Sylar when her dad wanted Vortex-man to disappear him, but again, it seemed completely in character to me. Claire isn't a killer (yet), for one, and in the very first episode of this season, she was completely thrown off guard by Sylar when he told her he didn't want to kill her, and three, he had just saved her life. Now, that may mean nothing to some, but we have been shown time and again that Claire forgives easily (seriously, at her age with the amount of crap HRG has put her through with lying and whatnot, I would have rebelled against that man a LONG time ago) and she is just now beginning to see that everything is not as it seems. So yes, her trying to keep her dad from vortexing Sylar made perfect sense in that context. Had she not just gone through what she had in that episode, then she would have been completely open to making him go away for good.

Adam needs to marry me right now please. I am sad that we didn't get enough of last night's Adam last season. He was far too serious with Peter. I like the sarcastic drunken lout who just makes you want to ruffle his hair. The Japanese Nazi, accompanied by Hiro's expression to the comment, was made of so much win. And him leading them to the bar to make his getaway was great as well. While I mostly continue to be bored with Hiro this season, the turn of events last night was an interesting one. Obviously, Hiro and Ando had something worked out. The fact that they are working together and using their heads pleases me beyond imagining. A part of me would love to believe Adam was a part of all that but I think he was just being a dumbass...

Nathan and Tracy are hot like whoa. Again, another fascinating Petrelli scene. Poor Angela. Things are really getting out of hand for her. I want more backstory on her sons, and I want it now! So we know Nathan was given his ability. Why was Gabriel given up for adoption? A social experiment? Or did she do it to protect him?? I NEED TO KNOW!! (Watch this be another one of those storylines that never gets answered...) And poor, poor Peter and his empathy are really soaking up Sylar's rage, and he has no idea what to do with it. Now, see, if I were writing this *glances at epic* this would totally be the tie that binds the two brothers together. Ahem.

I continue to love Daphne. That is all.

The new guy who has Meredith? Disgusting. That's really all I can say about him. Disgusting. Like, I'll take Mohinder as a bug over him.

The Arthur/Maury/Linderman storyline is MADE OF FRICKEN WIN. It's been a long time since Heroes surprised me like that. I was so worried they were going to make the Linderman thing something stupid - instead, they made it completely plausible! I am dying to know if Arthur's "suicide" was actually a hit (perhaps by Angela herself) because he was so dangerous. Is he getting revenge and using his sons to do it? How long has he been the puppeteer? Obviously, there are some dangling threads we'll never get an answer to because of this storyline (if I had my way, this show would be on 7 days a week so that we could get an answer to everything) but I love where they're currently taking this. And I'm curious - absolutely curious to know more about the older generation and their infighting and how manipulated the current generation is!

I have one complaint - commercials. There needs to be fewer of them.

As for the latest spoilers, I am torn between YES!!!! and NOOOOOO!!!! It's a conundrum.

fandom: heroes

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