Top Albums List of 2004

Dec 06, 2004 20:10

I now present to you the wankfest (what dan called it concerning one bit o' commentary I showed him; blame the excessive review research on albums I reallly wanted to capture for the slight wanking -- actually, there are two sides to that coin; the wank mixed with the utterly confused non-description description.. it certainly depended on my mood; the album at hand) that has taken me at least a week to compose completely.

Without further adieu:

** = mp3s that weren't linked before
*** = mp3s linked after this list was made!
C= Commentary
T= Tracks w/mp3s obviously

30 Modest Mouse- Good News For People Who Love Bad News
C: I am so sorry Modest Mouse fans.. I could not really listen to more than four of these tracks for the most part though those four were marvelous.. I mean it, I mean no harm by its level of importance.
T: [no longer linked]

29 Rogue Wave - Out of the Shadow
C: They're catchy... I liked it the couple times I listened straight through.. *snaps fingers*
T: 5

28 S - Puking and Crying
C: There'll never be another Sadstyle. I may have hyped this as something magnificent, but it's only worth a few listens before it gets old.
T: 2, 11

27 Lali Puna- Faking the Books
C: This may have been higher up on the list if I hadn't listened in advance then got the album for my bday as a gift and listened once, disappointed holding power sadly. I mean, it's solid --as solid as quite a lot of morr releases-- , but whenever I think about getting it out, I feel 'meh'.

26 Lambchop- Aw C'mon / Lambchop- No You C'mon
C: They count as one album... c'mon.. no, you c'mon! [geddit? this never gets old!] well, okay, one was better than the other, but nonetheless, since they're by one artist, they are one spot. I probably enjoyed this more than some; I am not sure. I did play it frequently in the Spring... much to mom's annoyance. she didn't like his voice on certain tracks. I admit, since there were so many songs, and I read somewhere that he actually wrote a song a day then chose the best, so honestly, the not so great ones can be forgiven!

25 Guided By Voices- Half Smiles of the Decomposed
C: They're good. that typical type of good. this is their apparent 'last album'. I liked the album I got last year better, but this was decent. they were on Conan last week on Thursday.. anyone catch it? [random dated info]

24 Electrelane - The Power Out
C: Thanks to amadeep and his more thorough list / commentary, I gave this album a relisten and am glad I did. I almost tossed it into the 'not too important' pile since I didn't recall any real memory of it, but obviously I was very wrong! some of those songs very nearly broke me! especially 'oh sombra!' (mom almost had to ruin this for me on Saturday when she said "O-sama O-sama biiiiin ladeeeen bin laden!" then I said she should be Weird Kal --the middle name she gave herself legally 5yrs ago is kallista-- and make her own version) which reminded me of a way better stereolab song; at least from what was made this year.. in fact, that's exactly why I purchased this album then sold my stereolab one.. it was horrible.
T: 6**

23 Adem- Homesongs
C: Some experimental folky stuff. by track four, it really got going for me. now, I didn't get euphoric about it, but I said 'Yes!', so 'yes'..

22 Múm- Summer Make Good
C: Mostly it gets a better place even with having heard it in advance 'cause I luuurve 'the ghosts you draw on my back' which makes me think back towards good memories despite the way things are now.. and the packaging of the book edition is fabulous.
T: 4

21 Blonde Redhead- Misery is a Butterfly
C: Yeah, I agree about the opener -- re: amadeep's lovely review. I like it better than the other Blonde Redhead album someone gave me a copy of a long while past. this one's more flowing, I s'pose one could say.. the way it goes back and forth between the two and the style.. you get the point!
T: 5**

20 Slowblow- s/t
C: I just have a copy. actually I got it via a post amadeep made (who else? hee!). I did consider it when I saw it on boomkat at one point, but eh. it is so slow concerning the delivery speed, so I hardly order there unless I absolutely am exploding over the clip. anyhow, mom hated it (really, I should just say mom hates most of what I listen to and get it over with; if she was making a list, everything would have one spot and it wouldn't appear on a 'good list'.. maybe there'd be three that go outside of that block). I enjoyed it. she doesn't like her (Kristin Valtýsdóttir of Múm) voice is the reason I think. the only song that didn't move me much was the spoken word-ish one about hamburgers. beyond that, it's great inspiration music. really! I put it on while typing up my novel one day and that is probably why it gets a place at all! I composed at least a few paragraphs to certain tracks till the muse ended.

19 Album Leaf, The- In a Safe Place
C: This played on the OC last week! not that this means anything.. beyond that I recognised 'On Your Way' just by the opening notes.. pretty impressive of me. since I don't want to just throw in some name dropping concerning this, I'll say that Sigur Rós' contribution worked out pretty nicely. it's a mellow piece with lots of instrumental parts despite the more popular track. great stuff.
T: 3, 6

18 Iron and Wine- Our Endless Numbered Days
C: My fandom of I&W began at the end of last year and it only escalated as this year went on.. I consumed I&W! I got the EP, their last album, the billions of b-sides.. then this album came into existence somewhere inbetween all that. aw. I fell in love with 'Fever Dream'. I literally sat crying while it was on repeat one long past night. I have no idea what I was crying about; if it was the song or.. something more, but hearing those chords go on in such a somber way just broke me. I rather enjoyed the rest as well, but ya must understand. that song! it OWNED me! the mini b-sides album that accompanied it was very good, too.. 'swans and the swimming' especially!
T: 10

17 Mice Parade- Obrigado Saudade
C: This was one of my earlier top albums. it surprised me that the band's name was an anagram. no, really, I have a reason to mention that. it's just rather cool that it did not just have to do with mice though I have a feeling some of the music inspired mice-like visualisation 'cause at the start of 'mystery brethren', I pictured mice parading down a street quite triumphantly then going in circles and scattering; tossing their instruments in a pile of smoke. also, as someone once brought up, it does sound like the type of thing to have on in the background at a Japanese sushi bar. 'Focus on the Roller Coaster' is my favourite track. also I like what Kristin (she just makes the album rounds, eh?) adds to the mix on two of the tracks.
T: 1, 3

16 Smith, Elliott- from a basement on the hill
C: Quite simply, due to the year passing of his death, this album put me in a rather melancholy mood. the lyrics bring on a whole new meaning knowing what is to take place later. it makes me want to give him a big hug :\ 'Twilight' is the first song I heard from this and remained my favourite.
T: 9**

15 Kings of Convenience- Riot on an Empty Street
C: Since I do not own any other albums by them, I guess that is why it is okay to be this taken to put them here. the melodies are simple, the mood is nice, such as dinner-party-nice. it's folky catchiness! the tracks featuring Feist really add something to this I think. really, the last track 'The Build-Up' grew on me the more I listened though I liked the other better at first. the only track I wasn't as taken with was the first one which gives the wrong impression; mom actually got it right that it sounds sort've like simon & garfunkel. it just didn't have a direct unique catch. it is good it's the first since I just skip it thus making it the perfect album! hurrah!
T: 2, 5

14 Unicorns, The- Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?
C: To kill or not to kill? that is the question. see, this is the one that I had trouble deciding whether it should be listed or not due to really coming out in '03. I have decided to keep it and it's not too far up to seem like a cheat, right? 'Les Os' certainly made the listening rounds due to being placed on many copies of mixes I made for a particular group, so I feel like the song is now ingrained in my head as an '04 anthem. geez. they're a canadian indie pop band. that's the rather vague short of it. here is where I go off, but I'm keeping it 'cause I'm amused-- there's some humour tossed in every now and then and the death theme, of course. 'I don't want to die' all the way to the ender 'Ready to die' plus the title and uh, the gravestones and pumpkin on the back cover sort've indicates that theme. ya don't have to be a genius! I cannot recall when I got it, but I did make a joke that it would make a good Halloween album; an alternative sort. on the packaging, it says 'Fact' next to what type of sound the band creates. this album is worth a purchase, I say. 'FACT'. :)
T: 2, 12

13 Wilco- A Ghost is Born
C: Yeah, I'm quite aware that Yankee Hotel Foxtrot is most definitely the more superb album thus this album is considered filler, but nonetheless. there's something comforting about Wilco that I haven't quite figured out. all I know is that I did listen to this album with enthusiasm. the only real break in the mood is 'Less Than You Think' which goes on waaaay too long in a drone-like way therefore I just began to skip it after the first listen. the opening track, 'At Least That's What You Said' starts out quiet with a piano then breaks out into its intense guitar jam with a bit of foreshadowing in the beginning riffs and the drum kick. 'Hell is Chrome' grew on me -- it sounds like something that would be played in a smoky bar; bluesy in its overall tone. really, the best part is when the guitar break hits like weeping, oh the sorrow! the intensity! "Come with me" --into contented misery. 'Hummingbird' with its charming piano intro and upbeat string arrangements makes it a catchy little pop hit. my absolute favourite though is 'Wishful Thinking' has a slightly ambient, clattery intro which leads into the guitar strumming and organ that sets the tone for the sentimental lyrics ("is any song worth singing if it doesn't help? ...'cause what would love be without wishful thinking?"). the clackety clack instant catchy tune of 'Company in My Back' was one of the first ones I noticed. 'Theologians' and 'The Late Greats' are also worth mentioning as great tunes. so yes, this album isn't a total loss (to me; obviously.. by its placement). "I am a cherry ghost" ..mmm.
T: 8

12 Fennesz- Venice
C: Glitchy ambient electronica is the best way I can think of to describe most of this album. the first half seems like the perfect sort for meditation starting off with 'Rivers of sand' -- it seems that with each tinkering glitch, it's the grains of sand falling into a pool-like wash of sound. the ambience continues with more bouts of imagery imminent based off the title or the initial sound itself (since, well, some tracks have odd titles, okay?). it's taken to a slightly elevated level with 'The other face' which adds in a voice loop that seems to cause a hypnotic trance of sorts. 'Transit' reminded me of Dntel to a degree though; I mean, with the vocals added by David Sylvian -- had to look that up -- quite out of nowhere (and the only vocals on the whole album) along with the glitchy noise, I realise this is not just a straight on instrumental piece. "Follow me, won't you". 'Laguna' is a straight on guitar piece; a rather intense song that also breaks away from the electronical stronghold. the ender 'The stone of impermence' starts out loud then reminds me of a plane in flight struggling to find altitude amongst the clouds safely towards home.
T: 7**

11 Hot Chip- Coming on Strong
C: I'm sorry, but mostly the reason I liked this album so much is 'cause it's silly. again, I just have a copy. maybe some of you will not agree with the parody goodness. some of it reminded me of something I'd put on my old rap radio show from 10th grade which was all about making fun of "gangsta" stuff. I've seen it described as r&b(edroom) pop. okay then. I think the funniest songs on here are 'The Beach Party' ("I like to dip dip, I like to dip dip" teehee), Keep Fallin' ("I'm like stevie wonder, but I can see things" - hah!), and Playboy ("blazing out Yo La Tengo heeey 'ayyayy aaay!" - hardcore!). get with it mayyn! that's all I have to say. get. with. it.
T: 4**, 5***

10 Walkmen, The- Bows and Arrows
C: Again, another of the more known ones thanks to The OC. it seems like the perfect holiday season album.. I mean with tracks like 'No Christmas While I'm Talking', 'The North Pole', 'New Years Eve' and so on. there is an inherent warm feeling that overcame me while listening to this. it is interesting how mom described it as Rod Stewart mixed with Bob Dylan. now, I don't know much Bob Dylan (kill me), but now I just hear Rod Stewart going insane whenever I listen to this. 'The Rat' is obviously the big hit, but the opener, 'What's in it For Me' with its organiness is very welcoming and brings a good vibe to things -- in fact, when I first got this album, I played the first two tracks the most of 'em all on repeat. anyhow, I don't have much to say; the intense emotion put forth into every track says it all, so just go get it and put it on darnit.
T: 1***

09 Interpol- Antics
C: When I first heard it in advance while it was just in mono instead of stereo, I was rather excited about it even though I had heard various songs off it live or when they had other titles and were rare b-sides of sorts. really, the songs I got most excited about were the ones I hadn't heard and I listened to those on repeat. the others I just sort've listened to if I was listening to it as a whole. the burned copy I made got played quite a dozen times that by the time I purchased it, I was rather over it by then. well, over it is a bit harsh, but it just wasn't a top priority to listen to at that point. I listened twice and hadn't gone back to it. I think I like Turn on the Bright Lights just a bit better, but nonetheless, this is a solid album. feel free to see what I said about it at the time of the downloaded copy over here. no need to repeat further!
T: 7 (the mono one), if there are any others, let me know! I only checked when I remembered where something was located..

08 gravenhurst- flashlight seasons
C: Quite simply dark folk ballads. it's good to listen to on headphones while reading a book or while trying to fall asleep. it's very subtle how the other instruments wash in with the acoustic-y guitar goodness with each track -- and yes, I do have some bootlegs -- thanks to amadeep -- with just acoustics for the most part, but I must say the other instruments add to it to a degree. I'd say my favourites are 'tunnels' ("I understand anger, I know what it's for"), 'fog round the figurehead' ("the heart recalls everything in the first language"), i turn my face to the forest floor' ("murdering fuckhead" -- lovely.. har. I got so excited when sharing this album with someone, for this to come up; demented me), and of course 'the diver' (well, this was the first song I heard which made me interested in purchasing this album; I'd listen to that mp3 on repeat for hours and even tried to interpret the meaning of the lyrics; well, I forgot the exact words I used and it's not that hard to understand I figure, but I do believe I said 'diving represents diving into a relationship and how the girl in front of him'll never notice him and all he has are the murders --ie; breakups or perhaps rejection?-- to walk him home at night' ..oh I'm so deep.. except not really)!! the rest of the album is good, too of course. really, when I first listened, I was surprised when it ended. that's how good the songs are as a whole.. no 'tap tap tap -- when will this thing be done?' going through my mind. the packaging / artwork is nice, too -- cardboard that opens up to an interesting abstract piece o' art involving origami and some monster in red and black/white/yellowish (?) tones (this is the most unprofessional description evar! ..well, maybe not. I've probably done worse).
T: 2**, 5** (go to page to dl)

07 Mono (japan)- Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined
C: I think, quite surprisingly, this is one of the better post rockity albums I've heard, but perhaps it's 'cause there weren't really any others (not counting the intro on the Hope of the States album... which doesn't entirely count since as a whole it's not) to compare it to this year -- for me; don't come in here showing me all the other ones I missed. amadeep can say it better than I though, so go on. I do have to say that '2 candles, 1 wish' seems complete enough for me! it made a nice little interlude into a song on a mix I made awhile back! I s'pose if there had to be a longer version, I'd still want the original version, too. and oh! oh! just listen! [sugar high hit]

06 Mark Lanegan Band- Bubblegum
C: It's his voice! mmmm.... I first heard it on the ender, 'Number Nine', on Twilight Singer's Blackberry Belle. yeah, apparently he's been around.. Seattle highlight or something? unfortunately I never knew about the band Screaming Trees. oh so sorry. I am glad to have discovered him now, so I could be aware of this though! PJ Harvey is featured in a duet-y way on 'Hit the City' and 'Come to Me' which adds some depth. my absolute favourite is the bluesy opener, 'When Your Number Isn't Up' though. the way it starts with an innocent --with hidden creepiness underneath-- piano then jumps into the bass --with much feedback-- and drums which fuses right into your brain with a kick. I could listen to that one alone for a good long while in a mopemo (this is the most horrid word I just coined here) way. 'Hit the City' does start the driving party to knock ya out of your funk though then with rather hot bedroom-esque tunes like 'Wedding Dress', ba da da la la ("Will you put on that long white dress..?"), you'll wonder why you were so low. basically this album takes many turns yet still stays cohesive. I'd say my favourite tracks are the before mentioned opener plus 'Wedding Dress', 'One Hundred Days' ("One day ship comes in.."), 'Bombed' (it's rather quiet -- just guitar -- yet I like how the lyrics are said between them-- Wendy Rae Fowler is on this track.. not sure who she is. I suck. in fact, I thought all the guy/girl duets were with PJ till I realised the difference in vocals. ahah), 'Strange Religion' (this one reminded me of Babybird.. I'm not sure how, but it does), 'Come to Me' ("my dark angel.. I've tried.. I can't get over..." hott), 'Head' (the synth lines are cool) and 'Out of Nowhere' (I liked the guitar melody that starts out as a nice little acoustic-y thing then drives into a flamenco style charge interspersed with clinking piano notes). go get some hot action, NOW.
T: 1

05 Gonzales- Solo Piano
C: It's timeless. boomkat mentioned this, I do believe. it's the type of album one can get out at any time, any year and it's not dated. it's completely piano obviously. as noted by someone awhile back, it's warmly compressed to give it that old sound; I especially enjoy, on headphones, to hear the readjusting, moving about before starting certain songs. it gives it that 'oooo playing just for me in the same room' vibe. I also enjoy how much can be done simply with piano; the levels that can be reached to build a story surrounding it. especially on 'carnivalse'... I get the best imagery of tight rope walking and swinging close to 2min into it; this is more circus-y, but regardless, it's an image! the outstanding tracks are 'gogol', 'bermuda triangle', 'armellodie' (it makes me think of music boxes; a little dancer... I need a dancing partner perhaps), 'carnivalse' (of course), 'paristocrats', 'gentle threat' (the best part is towards the end when the keys are hummed in this menacing way; actually when I was researching classical music for my novel, I downloaded 'Funeral March' by Chopin and it had a similar bit... I am so uncultured in classical music not to have known that before then! of course, I figured it wasn't that original beforehand, but nonetheless) and 'cm blues'. the whole thing is wonderful though. it's the perfect thing to put on to start the day, end the day and possibly anything inbetween that involves solitary involvement. this would make good music for an indie film I noted as well.
T: 7, 10

04 efterklang- tripper
C: While looking up info, I found that their name means reverberation or rememberance. well, they certainly are memorable. I've been trying to find a comparison for them beyond Sigur Rós since honestly I just don't hear it entirely, but haven't placed my finger on it. the closest I could figure is that it has that soundscape type clatter mixed in with the bouncy electronica one could possibly find on Morr Records. Múm? maybe a slight Notwist? okay, maybe not. whatever it is, it is darn well phantasmal though. 10 members from Denmark! okay, I just couldn't think of a way to toss that in. I am going loopy around now. *ahem* it begins with a definite ambience as a melancholy violin enters and a choir leads it out on 'foetus'. on 'swarming' it seems to stop and start with the beginning clicking / humming electronica beat which adds a slight twist and excitement. the track just keeps building and building. each one lifting lifting lifting to the ultimate climax. another standout would have to be 'collecting shields' with the beginning high pitched female vocals and going off into a harmonious lull. this is one of the songs I could recognise the lyrics better than the rest ("we're the glue between.. the broken shields.. we're the streaming hills" -- well, at least I think that's what they say. it's nice how they finish each other's sentences like that) along with 'monopolist' ("save me from myself.. leave my body broken.. save me from myself") which I talked about previously -- actually, this is the only one that could honestly be described as Sigur Rós-like; more like their babatikidido stage though. really, each song is great listened to as a whole.. each one drags into the next for a continuing masterpiece of surmounting joy.
T: 5**, 8

03 Arcade Fire- Funeral
C: A husband and wife songwriting team hailing from Canada creates this emotional musical opera of sorts. in such songs as 'Neighborhood #1 (Tunnels)', it paints a picture of a boy and a girl digging a tunnel, meeting up in the middle and planning their future in a rather naive child-like way ("Then we tried to name our babies, but we forgot all the names that, the names we used to know"). 'Neighborhood #2 (Laika)' is a dancier number and rather chaotic. I like when she shouts the lyrics towards the end over his; I picture bouncy punk-like jumps in the midst of that. the theme of that song is rather intense ("When daddy comes home you always start a fight, so the neighbors can dance in the police disco lights"). the song that initially stuck out was 'Crowns of Love' for me though. it reminded me of The Righteous Brothers' 'Unchained Melody' from Ghost, but on a more intense level considering the climatic ending. 'Rebellion (Lies)' is another one of my favourites; it makes me shake back and forth and throw my hands in the air. wheee! ("Now here's the sun, it's alright -lies!- Now here's the moon, it's alright -lies!-" and I shout back! LIES!). it's quite anthemic. the ender is contemplative and pretty how it builds with a quiet string arrangement and her voice rising overtop it then with a few intense strums, the rocking starts! The Guest had an interesting theory regarding what it's about; he said she probably lost her virginity in the backseat and that ("I've been learning how to drive my whole life") is some euphemism for masturbation. excuse me? I looked up a review and the straightforward consideration that she is afraid to drive was what I found. that's exactly what I figured, but go figure The Guest had to get pervy. anyhow, get this!
T: 2**, 9**

02 Khonnor- Handwriting
C: I'm not sure how it is that this album pulled me in like it did. at first, when I sampled some of the songs, I just figured it was decent sounding, but I do believe it also has to do with the setting upon the first full listen. it was an overcast day probably on the verge of raining, laying on the floor, blinds closed with a covering overtop, so the drab lighting can barely illuminate the floor and a book in front of me about a face being covered 'cause if any mortal were to stare at it, they'd die. for some reason, the curiousness of it all made sense with the fuzzy beeps and drones and mumbled lyrics. he is ONLY 17! for that alone, this thing is a masterpiece. I read pitchfork's review and I just don't agree with their thoughts. if it were clearer, it may suck. all albums that are mastered beyond belief end up sucking. for instance, Carissa's Wierd's first album? beautiful! can half the lyrics be understood? no! their last one? more understanding in the lyrics dept., but they lost their vague wash of confusion. anyway, this isn't about them, but it explains my outrage. I did recognise the Fennesz connection. the fog-like staticky noise adds to the poppy crooning underneath. 'Megans Present' is a wonderous song! I cannot believe they said otherwise! it sounds like either a water droplet falls or a footstep is heard at the beginning before transitioning into the synth and guitar notes ("It's my blue guitar and if you touch it, it sings tunes and it will fill the spoon for all your medical needs"). I don't care what anyone says, this song rocks! other winners include 'Daylight and Delight', 'Dusty', 'Kill2', 'An Ape is Loose' and 'Screen Love, Space, And The Time Man'. really, all of it is good, but those ones stand out. get it and have a lovely moment while reading something profound.. or not so profound.. read a comic for all I care.
T: 4, 8**

01 ella guru- the first album
C: Almost everyone should've figured this would be #1! honestly people; could I show anymore joy for an album? well, perhaps since I haven't shared my review with everyone, you do not know. check it (yes, I recently got permission to post this.. I wasn't sure previously and really now's as good a time as any!). I should also note that through amadeep, I got a copy of this from which I would've never thought to hear it otherwise, so for that, that is what made him THE BEST PERSON EVAR (more than he was before o' course). recently I've found higher joy in the song 'wonderful', so have provided an mp3 for that. even mom enjoys it, so y'know. she practically lost the headphones off her head the way she was spinning out of control as the song soared. I think she was high though. not really
T: 1, 8**

Honourary Mentions:
Afghan Whigs- Black Love ('96)
Calla- Televise ('02)
Cocteau Twins- Blue Bell Knoll ('88)
Jesus and Mary Chain- Automatic ('89)
Kent- Hagnesta Hill [Swedish Version] ('99)
M83- s/t ('01)
Seascapes of the Interior- All Safe, All Well ('02)
Slint- Spiderland ('91)
Talk Talk- Spirit of Eden ('88)
Timeout Drawer- A Difficult Future ('01)
Tortoise- TNT ('98)
Twilight Singers- Blackberry Belle ('03) verrrry close to BEST
Wrens, The- Secaucus ('96) THE ULTIMATE BEST despite not having a real copy; it's expensive, yo


So, that is that. I have nearly fallen over from the overwhelming amount o' music I have just recapped.
An absolutely wonderful year in music (and I didn't even get it all!) :)
What could '05 possibly bring?
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