The Lion is an enigmatic symbol representing passion and strength, both physical and emotional, making the Strength card one of the few major cards which can have both positive and negative connotations.
The Fool, victorious over his enemies, is feeling arrogant, powerful, even vengeful. There is a hot passion in him that he can barely control. It is in this state that he comes across a maiden struggling with a lion. Running to help, he arrives in time to see her gently but firmly shut the lion's mouth! In fact, the beast, which seemed so wild and fierce a moment ago, is now completely at her command.
This is a card of courage and energy. It represents both the Lion's hot, roaring energy, and the Maiden's steadfast will. The innocent Maiden is unafraid, undaunted, and indomitable. She proves that inner strength is more powerful than raw physical strength. This card assures the Querent that they can control not only the situation, but themselves. It is a card about anger and impulse management, about creative answers, leadership and maintaining one's personal honor.
Notes about this Full Moon plot:
The monster boss that will appear at the beach is going to be a 3-headed Chimera. With the head of a lion, an eagle, and the tail has the head of a snake. Not only does this monster have great physical strength (Lion) but also speed (Eagle) and magical strength (Snake). It will be at the beach. Aside from its minions that it has summoned to this world, the Chimera has also acquired humans to do its bidding. Basically, they are possessed and they are being manipulated to get rid of the rest of the humans here. The following humans are affected by this are as follows:
- Ike
aether_sheath- Riku
keymasterriku- Piotr Rasputin
6foot5_stud- Emi Toshiba
snacks_plz- Cassandra Alexandra
liek_uhoh- Eirika
regal_rapier- Roxas
keyofdestiny13- Kouichi Aizawa
notxsoxsweet The people above will appear to have IKEA green glowing eyes (like the color of the Forbidden Hour moon) and have double the strength than what they usually are. In order to stop them, they must be knocked out. Not killed. You don't want to kill them now, do you? After they have been defeated, then the Chimera who awaits at the beach will need to be vanquished for all this madness to stop. The Forbidden Hour will persist even if the actual extra hour has elapsed.
Something else to note: There will be side-effects of those who have been possessed by the Chimera. While they have been broken free of the possession from the Chimera, lingering issues will include irritability, unpredictable angry emotions, violent tendencies, and their red glowing eyes will persist. These effects will last for approximately 7 days, and they will also be prone to headaches because of these unstable emotions. Though, they will wear off.
The possessed people listed above will state their location in one of the threads below, and there can be more than one possessed person in one place at any given time.
This is a time where everyone is absolutely aware of the Forbidden Hour, so it is up to you (the mun) whether you'd like your character to be involved or not. If you choose not to, your character may sleep through this and check out its aftermath in the morning. Because believe me, there's going to be damages to the Aegean community.
If you have any questions, please contact a mod. Happy RPing, everyone! Get out there and kick some shadow ass!