Waving the White Flag

Nov 10, 2009 16:54

Ok. I give up.

Not only has the Muse that was helping me do my NaNo gone into hiding, but her place has been taken over by two substitutes: my fanfic Muse, who dumped a not quite 5k-word sequel to Ghost on me over the last two days; and my music Muse, who is now demanding AT THE TOP OF HER VOICE that I go back to putting in the 8.5 to 10 hours a ( Read more... )

nanowrimo, music-making, venting

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Comments 4

peredhellover November 11 2009, 08:37:12 UTC
I, for one, am not too upset to hear that you’re resigning for more meaningful and quality pursuits. Personally, I think you're far too sensible a woman to be participating in that, for lack of a better word (oh, I have lots of other words, but for the sake of discretion, I choose not to use them)--annoying--entity that is NaNoWriMo. ;)

peredhil lover


rhapsody11 November 11 2009, 11:25:34 UTC
*hugs* I don't feel the nano pressure at all, but my reasons for participating are different. Just do what feels right for you, and if creating beautiful music is it... :c) Let those fingers fly!


Waving the white flag... anonymous November 14 2009, 19:58:32 UTC
Dear Aearwen,

Don't feel that you are defeated - if anything, I feel that when one recognizes that one is fighting a losing battle, and knows when to stop, one imerges stronger and more of a winner for it. At least, that is how I felt at one time in my life....

I hope you get to enjoy your piano too! I too play played guitar and violin and stopped when college and life got in the way ( and life still gets in the way...ugh). It's actually been so long since I played that I don't recall where the notes are played on the fretboards or what they look like on sheet music. How bad/sad is that? Someday I will get back to them...some day soon.

And a sequel to Ghost?? Wow wonders what that intails...Dying to know here...

Hugs and Love,


galantha_nivala November 15 2009, 00:10:10 UTC
Nanowrimo doesn't work for a lot of people. The pressure to produce can be really overwhelming. It seems to have inspired you to other creative endeavors, though and that's great.

It's funny how different things can inspire people's muses. I find nano really, really useful. My internal editor almost always beats a story to death before I get past the beginning, but in November I give myself permission to ignore the IE. I'm now at 35K of a story that has been little more than scattered notes for the past five years.

It isn't for everyone, but I find it incredibly helpful.


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