It's Saturday - and the 365 Day Meme for days 34 & 35

Feb 04, 2017 14:21

Yesterday was not quite but almost a lost day. I wanted to get my fasting blood test done right away - but a trip to the kitchen while still half-asleep netted me a quick drink of cranberry juice at 4:45AM, which blew that out of the water. I still went to the lab tho - Hubby needed to get his bloodwork done. Then later, went shopping and ( Read more... )

365 day meme, yicketty-yak

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Comments 2

engarian February 5 2017, 01:46:27 UTC
I absolutely agree about the commercials for prescription medications. The idea that a pill can cure anything is nothing but bad news.

I also agree that marijuana is not a gateway drug, although any drug can be and is sometimes abused.

As for your life ten years from now - your goals sound great to me :-)

- Erulisse (one L)


lindahoyland February 5 2017, 11:40:12 UTC
You can hover over the icons off folk on Facebook and uncheck "follow" for those who upset you. The people whose posts you like reading, hover again and check see first. They are only allowed to advertise over the counter remedies here.


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