365 Day Meme - Day 31 --- and a request for a beta

Jan 31, 2017 17:46

Today was an interesting, if tiring day. Spent it with another Russian lady who is desperate to better her English while she's still in the country. It's amazing how I got used to how Nina speaks and expresses herself, to the point that it was a stretch to understand Zina. Still, I'm going to be seeing her on a weekly basis too now; so I'm ( Read more... )

365 day meme, yicketty-yak

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Comments 1

engarian February 2 2017, 19:17:15 UTC
Wish I could help you with the beta, but time is not my friend just now. I could take a quick read-through to see if anything jumps out at me - usually spelling, incorrect names, wrong person attributed for a speaking role, etc. are the types of things that jump for me on a quick read. You might want to try and contact a couple of them old LC'ers directly. I'm not sure how many of them read through here regularly any more.

- Erulisse (one L)


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