This 'n That - and that 365 Day Meme - Day 11 & 12

Jan 19, 2017 11:44

Well, the first day (evening, night and morning, really) of our 5-day storm set netted us 1.5 inches in the rain gauge on the back porch. That's not bad at all. I figure around next Monday, I'll check in again at the webpage for our county's reservoir lakes and see how the percentage full business is doing. I can say, in all sincerity, that we' ( Read more... )

365 day meme, yicketty-yak

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Comments 1

engarian January 19 2017, 20:50:49 UTC
Hurrah for rain and an afternoon with Nina. I had a Russian couple in the store this morning and could have used your assistance.

Just write every day - five minutes, 50 minutes, 100 words, 1000 words.

- Erulisse (one L)


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