All in all, a good week

Sep 14, 2012 16:12

Yeah, I know. It's been a long time since I blogged at all about my life in any detail. But this past week has been both eventful and peaceful enough that I thought some folks might like an update.

Miscellaneous personal nattering under the cut )

miscellaneous, yicketty-yak, personal stuff

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Comments 2

engarian September 15 2012, 13:03:15 UTC
It is strange how the time flies when we're chatting. It's so much fun!

*hugs* to all, and I can't wait to see a pic of your new cane.

- Erulisse (one L)


sykira September 15 2012, 20:11:16 UTC
Wow. ups and downs but overall so rich. I've tried gluten free too, it's supremely difficult, but I'm convinced it is a much healthier way to live if do-able.

Thanks for sharing, I love getting to know relatively new flisters. I hope things will be okay with your knee and with JJ



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