Fic: All is Violent, All is Bright 10/11

Sep 19, 2011 08:25

Title: All is Violent, All is Bright 10/11
Author: sparrow_hubris 
Prompt: innocence
Word count:  4,336 this part
Rating: PG-13 - NC-17 (This part R)
Warnings: Underage 15/17, Apocalypse & general destruction, Violence (This part),
Mentions of death, violence towards animals (hunting: prev parts )
Betas: night_reveals
Notes: It's done guys! The final part is ( Read more... )

team angst, fic, fanfic, prompt: innocence, wip

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Comments 14

vock September 19 2011, 18:54:22 UTC
This is hurting so good. I love Eames' complexity.


lezzerlee October 3 2011, 06:49:14 UTC
Thank you!


kansouame September 19 2011, 20:42:11 UTC
One of my favorites stories... so dark but god you just want to hope for the two of them.

Can't wait for the next chapter and yet.. will be sad it's over too.


lezzerlee October 3 2011, 06:49:26 UTC
Thank you so much!


ladderax September 20 2011, 03:20:14 UTC
This is so good! I love Eames playing with Arthur's hair and how Arthur lets Eames take care of him. So wonderful that Eames was tailing him the whole time <3 Their kiss was just so lovely.

And it's also so interesting to see how the past and old beliefs about right and wrong still haunt them even though the same moral and societal standards can't be applied anymore.

Can't wait for the next part!


lezzerlee October 3 2011, 06:50:25 UTC
Thank you! I think Arthur is of the mindset that Eames past has no relationship to them. It's a whole different world & Eames needs to get over it. :)


krytella September 20 2011, 04:28:01 UTC
Cockblocked by Arthur's ribs!

Great to dig into a little bit of Eames' past. I like that he's not just a sweet teddy bear at all. Just sweet to Arthur :)


lezzerlee October 3 2011, 06:50:53 UTC
Eames is never just a teddybear. Not even as a teen. And thank you!


perfectwh0rl September 21 2011, 12:40:30 UTC
Oh lol, days and days of painfully drawn out foreplay to look forward to, thanks ribs :3


lezzerlee October 3 2011, 06:51:15 UTC
hahaha. Torture, you mean. Torture. Thanks for reading!


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