[FIC] Battaglia Con Brio, part 3/4

Sep 07, 2011 00:52

Title: Battaglia Con Brio (3/4)
Author: metacheese
Word Count: ~8,000 this part; roughly 40,000 over all
Team: Angst(y romance)
Prompts: Balcony, Lies
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: brief mentions of violence, physical trauma, hurt/comfort
Summary: When brilliant, controversial and irreverent musical prodigy Eames arrives at the court of the Emperor of Marchia, ( Read more... )

prompt: lies, team angst, prompt: ghost, prompt:balcony, fanfic, wip

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Comments 16

elesteria September 7 2011, 05:37:35 UTC
This is stunning. There really is no other word to describe this. It's captivating and the story that you are orchestrating is so full of action and feelings. Gosh, I could read this a thousand times over. I cannot wait for the next part. Amazing job dear.


ladderax September 8 2011, 03:07:56 UTC
Thank you so much! OMG I am so flattered. This is so nice to hear.

The next part is coming soon <3


lezzerlee September 7 2011, 08:55:51 UTC
I need more of this story like I need oxygen. This is so good! It's stunning how much time you can have lapse and yet keep tension. I feel how Arthur stews in his own guilt, has to come to terms with it but is still in denial. The snap reaction, the crumbling under pressure is so human.

I know you were fretting about Eames not really even being in this chapter, but I think his absence drives Arthur.

Your words, as always, are stunningly beautiful.


ladderax September 13 2011, 06:14:43 UTC
Thanks! Glad it came across as believable. And I'm totally relieved that the lack of Eames works. Tried to keep him as present as possible despite his non-presence...

Next part (happy, porny) should be up tomorrow night!


ext_326285 September 7 2011, 17:12:55 UTC
Hi! @inceptionwips is tracking this story-- hope that's okay with you.


enoughglitter September 7 2011, 21:01:49 UTC
Oh my goooooood. Seriously, this story, it is so, gah, my heart. ARTHUR! EAMES! Gah, I will try very hard to wait patiently for the next chapter, but wow is this going to be a difficult wait. SO MANY FEELINGS.

<3<3<3 You are wonderful.


ladderax September 13 2011, 06:15:19 UTC
THANK you!! This is so awesome to hear. The next part should be up tomorrow night!!


bat_hawk September 7 2011, 22:22:42 UTC
Eek, this is so exciting! Cannot wait for the next part.


ladderax September 13 2011, 06:15:46 UTC
Thank you!! It should be up tomorrow night.


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