Leaving a comment here even though I've read the next part, because I also want to comment on datingwally's art which is SO FUCKING COOL. It fits so perfectly with the mood and is so *dreamy* and haunting. How did she do it?? It looks like a photograph.
I absolutely adore your Arthur in this. He's so young and uncertain and I just want to hug him! Wanting to touch Eames but not wanting to freak him out and lose his friendship. :( Can't wait for the next part.
Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! This chapter has just killed me! I love how the art and the story complement each other COMPLETELY! Perfect. The dreams and the nightmares are so real, the way that they don't make sense at all and yet they do because they feel real when you're in them. And Eames is awake! Eeek. *scurries off to read next chapter*
I really love the art in this one, the indistinct dreaminess and the bright light. It matches the story perfectly. And the descriptions of Arthur's dreams are evocative and creative.
Comments 6
I absolutely adore your Arthur in this. He's so young and uncertain and I just want to hug him! Wanting to touch Eames but not wanting to freak him out and lose his friendship. :( Can't wait for the next part.
And datingwally is just so amazingly talented. I feel tremendously lucky to have gotten the chance to write for her art.
that was fucking hot >.>
poor arthur & his nightmares :(
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