Title: Stand Up Author: canyousayhot Team: angst Prompt: ring Word Count: ~260 Ratings: G Warnings: Mention Mal's death. Summary: Eames asks Arthur to marry him.
Reading this left such a lump in my throat. I love how you made Arthur's response so understandable and sympathetic, even though we also know how badly it's going to hurt Eames. The fact that it was in public and people were watching makes it even more painful. Very well done.
This story is such a punch to the gut! I love how you used their different views of the kick to explain their relationship. Arthur knows what's coming and what to expect, but it hurts because Eames is seeing something else entirely ;__;
I do love the characterization of Arthur though. He's analyzing his moments of panic, dissecting them down to specifics. And I love that he knows Eames and him have different views of their relationship and how this works.
What a ring means to a man like Arthur is nothing like what a ring means to a man like Eames. I love that you used a man like to drive home the difference between them. I can see how settling down could be dangerous and undesirable for men in their type of work. But just saying it so simply like that, you've completely characterized the way they approach life differently.
I mean, I feel like we could go on for ages about how different Arthur's views of the world are when compared with Eames', so for the sake of brevity, it seemed neater to keep it to one sentence.
Comments 15
Thank you for reading :3
And yet I can totally buy it. Well done.
spoilers: it just ends with me banging my fists on my desk in frustration. hahaha... sob :<
Thank you for reading!
I do love the characterization of Arthur though. He's analyzing his moments of panic, dissecting them down to specifics. And I love that he knows Eames and him have different views of their relationship and how this works.
What a ring means to a man like Arthur is nothing like what a ring means to a man like Eames.
I love that you used a man like to drive home the difference between them. I can see how settling down could be dangerous and undesirable for men in their type of work. But just saying it so simply like that, you've completely characterized the way they approach life differently.
But did he actually say no? ;)
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