Characters: Ginia Solana (
silentbartender) and Allelujah Haptism (
When: Afternoon of August 28th
Where: Beginning in the Northeast quarter around [x;y]
Rating: PG-13 to R (violence, possible language, definite mind-screwing)
Summary: Ginia (and Alice) and Halle (and Alle) go doppelganger hunting.
and your reflection isn't what it seems. )
Comments 8
Shapeshifters. A perfect copies to fight with, offering unique chance to test his skills against someone with exact skills and speed. True, he could train with Soma, however it didn't give him the same satisfaction as the real fight did. Neither did hunting.
Approaching Ginia, he stopped close to her, standing outside the shelter from rain; he didn't need. At least, not now. There was something in the way she behaves, something bothering him; it wasn't fear, yet he couldn't pinpoint the exact feeling.
"Something is bothering you."
/I abhor killing with or without a purpose, but the thrill and excitement of hunting someone, I suppose even I'm not immune to that./
She shook her head and picked up her backpack and slug it onto her back. /It doesn't matter. Ready to head off?/
"Everyone has such instincts, be it me, you, Lockon. When you work hard on hunt, trying to find your target no matter what, the excitement and adrenaline make it worth it. It doesn't make you a worse person." the words were said flatly, combined with turn of his head to send her amused glance.
"The idea is exciting, isn't it."
/I know that. Humans are no better than animals, really. We still thrive and live off instinct and base needs and reactions. I quit as a bounty hunter years ago, but I still work as a vigilante because I couldn't stand the idleness. I needed the thrill I got from the last six years./
She gave an empty laugh and smiled a little at herself.
/Maybe I'm an adrenaline junkie./
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