Characters: Negi Springfield (
notamageiswear), Suoh Tamaki (
When: Monday, June 13th
Where: The Library
Rating: Due to the subject matter, I'll make it PG-13 just to be safe.
Summary: Tamaki wants to study anatomy. Negi is curious as to what male anatomy has to do with the life cycle.
Negi had always wanted to check out the library. )
Comments 31
"Hello!" he said, brightly - too bright and loud for a library - as he stepped into the room, walking up to Negi. "Found the anatomy section yet?"
"Hello, Tamaki-san! The anatomy section is a few aisles over in that direction," he gestured to his left, "but I decided to wait for you to get here before I started looking through the books!"
"You like to study?" he asked, curious to learn more about his new friend.
"Yes, very much." He looked up at Tamaki, smiling. "I graduated at the top of my class at the academy. All I ever did was study." This came with a soft laugh, though it wasn't clear if Negi was laughing at a fond memory or scoffing at himself. After all, his non-stop studying kept him from making too many friends there.
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