Open Log - The Clinic

Nov 11, 2008 21:04

Characters: AD!Unohana Retsu (bunny_flower) and

When: All week long during the event (indicate time stamp in your comment when starting a thread.)
Where: Unohana's Clinic
Rating: Mostly PG, will go up as needed
Summary: Unohana's Clinic is one of the rallying point of Adstringendum. Lost people are directed to it quite often, or stumble upon it by mistake.

((OOC : I won't make an actual IC post here, as Unohana will mainly be in or around her Clinic during that week, answering calls for help and welcoming anyone who knocks on her door.

For reference for Edensphere charas, here is a picture of what Unohana's Clinic looks like. It is quite welcoming and makes people want to knock on the door or just come in.

The front door is always open. The back doors are booby-trapped with kidou spells, so try them at your own risk !

Now tag and let the fun begin !))

*open, *event: ad/es crossover, unohana retsu, *event

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