Bloody Mary

Oct 12, 2010 22:23


“I let mom die.”


“That night, of the fire in our house… I saw a strange man walk right by my bedroom door, into your room. And I...”

“So that was why your eyes bled,” Sam stated, remembering that he hadn’t been the only one under Bloody Mary’s attack. “You were four, Dean. What could you have possibly done?”

“I could’ve warned mom… I could’ve warned dad. Instead, I just hid under my bed covers.”

“And had you done any different, things might’ve just ended up the same… or worse. Some things are just not in our power to change… no matter how guilty we feel about them.”



“The way you keep telling others the truths you’re too stubborn to accept for yourself.”

“I hate you.”

“Yeah… I know you do. Bitch.”

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