6.10 review- ‘Caged Heat’

Dec 05, 2010 23:04

6.10 review ‘Caged Heat’

NooooooOOOOOOoooooes! They killed my Crowley. How could they kill my poor, vicious, slightly gay, incredibly sassy and badass, Crowley?

Bad show! Bad show! No dessert for you *sticks tongue out*

And if that wasn’t bad enough, we get YET another stripped FRIGGING FEMALE demon on the torture thingy? What happened to fair deals? What happen to a woman (whom I suppose is straight) running the show? Really, Sera, when do we have Sam and/or Dean in that scene?

Because we’re 0-2 now and I’m not amused.


Okay, moving on to the actual review, now that I got all the fangirlish and prickness out of the way...

I loved the sheer intensity of this episode. It was a thriller in every possible definition of the word. So much so that, midway through, I started to wonder if maybe this was part 1 of 2 and I had my spoilers all wrong.

It wasn’t, but it didn’t exactly end either.

Grandpa Campbell was back, solemnly to prove that whatever good sense Mary had, she certainly must’ve gotten it from her mother’s side.

Sure, I get that for that guy, his wife and daughter have just died and the pain of his lost has to be tremendous. And sure, as I had said here before, Sam and Dean are nothing but strangers to Samuel because, truly, he’s never really had the chance to know them.

But Jesus on a stick! They are still the only thing he has left of his precious Mary... and he sells them off to Crowley? Really?!

Bad gramps! You’re starting to make mine look good.

You know, in my infinite naiveté, I was hoping that Samuel had some sort of brilliant plan on the works there. Give Sam and Dean Crowley’s location, tip Crowley off and then turn on him when the demon thought he had the upper hand.

But no. Sweet gramps was only looking after his sweet ass, which officially makes him a dick in my book.

On the other hand, I knew that Samuel would blame Dean for what happened to Mary. From his side of events, all he knows is that his family had no dealings with the YED before Dean showed up in their home, and after he was gone, Deanna was dead, Samuel was dead, Mary was doomed and Sam was next in line to be boy king. The fact that Dean (alongside with Sam and Castiel), have now made sure that Crowley won’t be able to keep his promise to Samuel and bring Mary back (even if he would never keep that promise) will sure not endear his grandsons in old gramps heart. Not one bit.

Gramps has it all assbackwards, but I can see from where he’s coming. Still, I do hope that Samuel gets Mary back. And I hope the first thing she does when she sees him is to slap is dickerish face in.

Castiel has not seen Indiana Jones but he IS looking for the Ark of Covenant. Okay... this one made me giggle on a very personal note because of the big bang story that I posted this year. Those of you who read it, will get the joke.

I kind of liked that Sam tricked Castiel into coming to aid them. It was well within this new Sam’s MO and it was kind of humane on his part when the fact that Castiel actually fell for such a lame lie, surprised Sam.

The fact that Sam’s threat to hunt down Castiel and kill actually made Castiel stay surprised me at first, but then I realized two things: one, Castiel was only trying to put duty in front of emotion when he said he had more important things to do than help Sam and Dean, because really, he does have more important things to deal with. But like he said, he likes it better on Earth with them rather than in heaven with his fighting brothers; and two, Castiel knows that Sam wasn’t making idle threats. He would dedicate his life to destroying Castiel and, alongside him, he would end up destroying Dean, by forcing him to choose a side.

Given the given, Sam’s threat wasn’t a threat. It was a good excuse for Castiel to do what he wanted to do in the first place.

So, Castiel came... and he almost came (sorry, I had to make that pun). It was insanely funny to see that whole sequence, starting with the ‘dialogue’ on TV, moving on to Castiel’s innocent question about the ‘plot’ and Dean’s realization that the angel was watching porn with them in the room (Sam, obviously, didn’t had much of a reaction because I guess embarrassment comes from the soul, right? Good thing Castiel didn’t asked what should he do with his erection, or Sam might’ve actually answered him). The final touch of having Samuel walk in the room in that exact moment, something that obviously led to all sorts of misunderstandings, was priceless. I had a really good laugh at that.

The rest of Castiel’s horniness related scenes were not as amusing. There is such thing as overuse of the same joke.

We get it: Castiel is having a really hard time at home, he likes to come hang out with the guys and he really, really needs to get laid. But angel-on-demon action while hellhounds are literally banging on the door? Not so funny.

What was funny? Meg’s mega fail when she tried to bail her meat-suit and found out that it was a no-go. The awkwardness of the extra time the actress spend with her mouth opened wide with absolutely nothing happening was very funny and a huge step for me to start liking this version of Meg.

And, for the record... Sam and Dean do realize that they have just crowned the next bitch-queen of hell, right? Because yes, Meg was after Crowley for survival, but there is no way she will not take advantage of the fact that she killed the big dog. She’d be mighty dumb not to take his place.

Now, would it have been so bad to switch the scenes between Meg and Dean? Wouldn’t it make a lot more sense to have Christian go all psycho on Dean’s nekkid ass (given the past animosity between the two of them) instead of giving us yet again a needless female demon on the rack? It’s Meg, people! We don’t give a rat’s ass if he carves a pumpkin out of her. Why not give her skinny ass off to the ghouls? Why? WHY?????

Besides, it would’ve had a lot more impact to have Sam come to the rescue of a bloodied Dean than a pathetic attempt made by two extras to nibble at Dean’s jacket! *pouts*

Speaking of that, I loved Sam’s badass, psycho escape. The way he simply bit down on his own skin to get the ‘ink’ for his art work (BTW, jackfan2  brought to my attention that some have voiced that the devil’s trap was too up high in the ceiling for Sam to have been able to reach it, short of using levitation powers. The thing is, the devil’s trap is kind of closer to the corner of two walls, and those walls are sort of tearing up. It would’ve been easy for Sam to climb them and reach the ceiling. Go back, watch the position of the devil’s trap and the way the walls are made inside. You’ll see that no levitation powers were needed) was absolutely amazing and scary.

We’d learned before that there is absolutely nothing that will stop this Sam from achieving his goals; we had just never seen that logic applied to himself.

That whole sequence was up there with the best line in the whole episode: “Why are you laughing?” --- “Because Dean Winchester is behind you.” ROFL!! Totally badass too.

Of course, the coolest thing about that whole rescue scene was that Sam actually acted and sounded concerned for Dean. He had absolutely no reason to be faking it for those demons when he asked where they had taken his brother and, once he was free, the logical thing to do was to go after Crowley and secure the place. But no, RoboSam went down tearing down the corridors, following the sound of Dean’s pissiness at the nibbling ghouls.

Am I reading too much into that scene? Or is the human soul really like a lizard’s tail? Give it enough time, and it starts growing back.

Because that, right there, was an emotional decision, not a rational one and in a episode that pretty much wipes out all hope for the retrieval of Sam’s original soul, that scene gives me hope, personally.

We got no one, but TWO Crowleys this week. I was double giddy with that fact up until the point when poor Crowley went up in a gust of flames.

I am sad to see Crowley go, but hey... I had told you that he was lying about his ability to get Sam’s soul back. If his reasons for not being able to do it are honest or not, I have no idea. Probably not. Fact is, he’s off the picture.

At this point, I’m not even sure what sort of involvement he had in bring the Sams back at all.

The thing is, this season’s plot in now at a limbo.

They had a bad guy, they had a mystery and they had an objective.

Meg killed the bad guy; we know where Sam’s soul is, what Samuel’s objective was and why he was gathering alphas for Crowley; and Sam has all but abandoned all pretense of wanting his soul back.


Samuel was doing more than waiting for Crowley to materialized Mary in front of him; he was using Crowley’s information to get himself to Purgatory himself. Why?

And Sam claims he doesn’t want his soul anymore, not damaged as it probably is by now, but Dean has seen the menace that SoullesSAm can be and there is no way that he is going to give up. For one, it would not sit well with Dean’s conscience to allow this heartless hunter to roam free amongst the innocent, and for second, Sam is still his brother, no matter in what shape he presents himself; Dean will not give up on making him better, even if it kills one or both of them.

Plus, we still have the heavenly missing objects plotline. I doubt that we’ve seen the last of Balthazar and his conniving ways; or that we won’t be seeing some other mythical objects in the near future.

In my opinion, there is only two ways this can go: either someone is lying A LOT and we learn further ahead that things aren’t as dire as they seem now; or God intervenes (either directly or by giving some hint about some heavenly object that can restore Sam’s soul in its pristine condition. I mean, the Man owns the factory, he has the blueprints, it’s doable, right?)

In the mean time, things do not look well. Sam is on the loose and finally free from all bonds of pretense (first to Samuel, trying not to draw attentions to himself that something was wrong and then to Dean, as a promise to at least pretend that he had a soul); Dean has no real family to turn to, something that has always kept him sane in the past; Samuel has a serious grunge against his grandsons and Castiel is losing the battle for an apocalypse-free heaven.

The fact that we get only one more episode before the hiatus, coupled with all of these questions, has my stomach in a fit. How’s yours?

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