LJ Idol - Boys' Best Friends (Season 10, Week 2)

Dec 04, 2016 12:33

Yeah it's silly, don't believe it
But I promise you it's true
Lots of people really love you
But your pillow loves you too*Before Teddy was born, my step-mom took me shopping for fabric. She wanted to make some blankets and pillows for him, cute things to brighten up his crib. Along with the Loony Toons Babies and the cute bears that had been ( Read more... )

season 10, plo, peter, friends, teddy, bodie, lj idol, week 2

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Comments 36

adoptedwriter December 4 2016, 22:23:33 UTC
Awwww.... This is sweet!


adpaz December 6 2016, 23:28:27 UTC


fourzoas December 5 2016, 04:01:19 UTC
I love this so much! My little one has a family of teddy bears that serve a similar function, and I do my best to keep them all mended and available. ❤️


adpaz December 6 2016, 23:36:15 UTC
I hope your little one enjoys the family of teddy bears as long as mine have enjoyed their pillows!


dmousey December 5 2016, 04:21:09 UTC
This is a very adorable, very well written piece! I remember my son's dinosaur b'anky had to go everywhere too! Thanks for sharing! Hug and peace~~~D


adpaz December 6 2016, 23:36:31 UTC
Thank you so much!


halfshellvenus December 5 2016, 06:27:34 UTC
I've know a lot of kids who were attached to stuffed animals, but never any who made their pillows into friends! Those pillows are clearly loved, too. :)


adpaz December 6 2016, 23:37:20 UTC
Very much loved, it's true! And thanks!


eternal_ot December 5 2016, 12:36:15 UTC
You have adorable kids :) I enjoyed reading this take and it did bring back some of my childhood memories. A nice take!


adpaz December 6 2016, 23:37:46 UTC
Thank you, and I'm glad to have brought a smile to your face!


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