Jan 24, 2006 23:39
I'm outtie till Friday. I'll be in FL around 10:30 tomorrow (wed) and back Thurs late. If you need me hit me up on email. Drop me a line just becuz...give me a rig on the celular telle or all that jazz. Being a working man sure dus suk sometimes.. later peeps!!!
Dec 28, 2005 20:16
That's right boys and girls(over the age of 21)--->Atliquer Fest 2 is fast approaching...What is Atliquer Fest??? Contact me for more information
PS> Haylie Duff is HOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(Well, Hilary is too but that's a different story for a different time)
Nov 22, 2005 11:54
As several of you may know I will be in the great state of Clevegas (I know it's not a state, just play along). Don't know my plans, but I do know I'm not staying around the house all of the time. Ashley, what the schedule?...Anyone else, if you're in let me know, we could all meet up for din din again...later w00t! w00t!
Oct 19, 2005 18:48
yeah, so I do...but have no fear, my service to my country is best served as is. I just wish I were part of the Rangers, Seals or fighter pilot. Beware - should more hostile times arise I might be gone.
Don't ask what the purpose of the post is..I just felt like it.