Nov 08, 2006 15:43
I am so disguisted with my current life choices. I've been practicing 8 hours a day all semester. I think I'll change it to 12. Aggression needs to be released.
Nov 08, 2006 00:47
Listen to the entire soundtrack for "E.T." .. followed by Mussorgsky's "Night on Bald Mountain"... John Williams' looting soul strikes again.
Nov 02, 2006 00:22
is anyone else really, really upset with the way this is being handled?... you know what i mean.
Oct 28, 2006 19:46
so my sisters' father died. i dont know how to feel. i cant mourn the loss of someone ive never met and whom i've only heard how much of a deadbeat he was. but on the other hand i hurt so much for my two sisters who are feeling so much regret right now for having no contact with him for the past 15 years.
Oct 27, 2006 16:55
Something tells me it's a bad thing in that I've only created a handful of correctly-formatted/submitted lesson plans to the DOE and already
I want to shout nasty things at my professors. (too late for a career change?)
(On the other hand, I came up with a cool lesson on cartoons & classical music for grades 5-8)
Oct 18, 2006 22:44
i have come to the conclusion that the Israeli National Anthem, Hatikvah was stolen from Smetana. Why steal an Israeli anthem from a Czech? Total f*ing rip-off.
Oct 13, 2006 23:37
Hey Hope: I saw Linda SMILE tonight. Be disturbed.
Oct 09, 2006 22:56
I dropped 6 credits from my schedule. i'm down to 13 for the semester. Let's see if i can handle those without failing back in new orleans.