(TM) 210. Visions of the Future

Dec 29, 2007 11:01

If a crystal ball could tell you the truth about any one thing you wished ~ concerning yourself, your life, the future, or anything else ~ what would you want to know?

*soft snort* Another impossible hypothetical question, hm? All right, I'll play along.


The only question I would ask has no useful answer.

Will we survive?

Will the human race find some way to evade destruction at the hands of the Cylons? Will we find a home where we can rebuild at least some of what we've lost? Does humanity have a future, or are we doomed to vanish into might-have-beens?

Even if the answer is yes, the human race does survive, I'm just not a fatalist. Free will exists, and I don't believe that any future is so cast in stone that humanity can't change it through our choices, actions .. or inaction. No matter what fate that hypothetical crystal would show me, we'll still have to find our own way to it. If we make mistakes, get complacent, fail to see what's in front of us because we're focused on what might happen, that hopeful future would pop like a soap bubble.

All right, I can hear you saying, then change your question. Try asking How does humanity survive?

What if the answer is, you don't?

Muse: Admiral William Adama
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica '03
Word count: 189
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