(TM) 206. Because it's not enough to just live ...

Nov 30, 2007 22:33

What do you live for?

Family. Humanity.

With only about 40,000 of us left, the two aren't very far removed from each other.

I live so that my son may one day have the life he chooses instead of the one that was forced on him.

I live for the day that children born to us will know open spaces without stark metal walls and an atmosphere of fear enclosing them.

I live for those evenings when Laura and I can share a drink on my couch and know that we brought them all through safely.

I live to lead. I live to defend. I live to serve.

On the good days, that's enough. When I go to bed knowing that the number on Laura's white board didn't go down that day, when maybe it even increased with a birth or two, that knowledge alone is enough to get me out of bed the next morning.

On the bad days, I reach for whatever I can. A few minutes of peace, a clasped hand, a smile ... a stolen moment. Whatever I can find to carry me that one day further.

Because the alternative ... is unacceptable.

Muse: Admiral William Adama
Fandom: Battlestar Galactica '03
Word count: 190
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