FIC: Repeat the Question [Legend of the Seeker Khalan/Cara]

Feb 24, 2010 01:14

Kahlan really wants to stab something. Or make that someone because, really, who get’s lost in a cave? All you have to do is turn around!

“Maybe we should turn around?” She thinks it’s a perfectly reasonable request, after all, they only have one torch and they’ve been walking forever, but no, the blonde head she can barely see in front of her ( Read more... )

kahlan, cara, legend of the seeker, porn battle, femslash

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Comments 23

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adliren February 24 2010, 15:17:41 UTC
Thank you. I'm glad I could make your morning ;)


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adliren February 24 2010, 19:39:43 UTC
Yay, I've achieved my goal!


littleninja245 February 24 2010, 19:28:12 UTC
Wow, wow, wow. I absolutely LOVED this. Their exchanges were so quick and snarky and funny, just like on the show. I could really hear their voices through that.

And daaaamn, that was hot. XD

The part at the end with Kahlan not being able to think properly around naked!Cara was my favourite. Just brilliant.


adliren February 24 2010, 19:42:28 UTC
Thanks so much. I watched episode 11 (I think) before I wrote this in an effort to improve my dialogue. Nice to hear it's appreciated :)

Naked Cara would shut anyone's brain down. I don't care who you are.


trobadora February 24 2010, 20:34:34 UTC
Lovely. This put a big smile on my face. :D


adliren February 24 2010, 23:17:32 UTC

Smile on my face because of review.


thief21 February 24 2010, 22:02:35 UTC
Oh Bravo... So very hot, awesome fic. Your research did you proud, dialogue was spot on :)

Thank you! Please do more!


adliren February 24 2010, 23:17:58 UTC
Thanks! I'm working on it ;)


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