FIC: What She Notices [Legend of the Seeker] - Cara/Kahlan

Feb 12, 2010 14:03

Title: What She Notices

Name: adliren

Disclaimer: I do not own anything, nor am I writing this for profit. The characters belong to ABC and Terry Goodkind. No copyright infringement is intended.

Fandom:  Legend of the Seeker

Pairing: Cara/Kahlan

Rating: PG

Summary: You begin to notice more when you no longer feel like a Mord’Sith.

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legend of the seeker, femslash

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Comments 5

ralst February 12 2010, 21:48:47 UTC
Oh, I like that. All that is not said but is there nevertheless. Thanks.


adliren February 13 2010, 06:47:50 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it. My first time with this pair, not sure I got the character's down yet.


rtarara February 14 2010, 07:22:01 UTC
"At midday they stop to rest. Kahlan takes some bread and fruit from her pack and splits it with her. She accepts it if only so that she has the strength to continue walking away from the other woman."- Loved this part.


adliren February 15 2010, 03:57:56 UTC
Thanks. Glad you liked it.


olli01a October 1 2010, 21:55:05 UTC
Cara simply walking away from everything is a surprise. But I like the idea that Kahlan follows her and manages to bring her back. It is understandable that she is disturbed by her dreams.


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