From the Narn Ta'Lon (_talon)

Mar 10, 2005 16:43

It is a game I suppose and a very interesting one. You have someone ask you five questions and then you ask five questions of anyone who wishes you to ask. Seems like a very interesting proposition.

Adira is slightly intimidated by the anger that she can see in the Narn’s eyes and the realization that her answers could have a great impact on at least this Narn’s future outlook regarding her people.

Adira turns to him and nods politely I think perhaps introductions are needed first before I answer. I am Adira Tyree, an opera singer, poet and formerly a slave. I dare say that this may get me in trouble here, but I am also an intimate friend of Ambassador Mollari. Perhaps my answers may hold some relevance since I have heard his opinion on a few of these questions. Adira smiles, but is still uneasy.

.. And you are? I have only heard your family name spoken of once. Adira smiles sincerely waiting for the Narn’s reply.

. Adira looks a little sad as she speaks.Many of these questions are nigh irrelevant since Centauri women are forbidden to hold positions within the government or military but I am interested in the challenge none the less. I must admit I have only become interested in current politics since meeting Ambassador Mollari little over a month ago so I am not clear on much of the internal workings of the government.
Adira sighs and becomes thoughtful.

1. If you were in a different position, one where something could be done during your government's second occupation of Narn homeworld what would you do?

Adira looks at him a little shocked but then smiles.

I do not like war or slavery. I may be the first Centauri you ever hear say this, I do know of others who share my feelings on what I am about to say. I do not think we treat your people fairly during war and we do not give you a chance to prove your character when we are at peace. Though I doubt I could end an occupation of your homeworld... no matter my rank, unless I were the Emperor. I would strive to improve the conditions and treatment of your people while Narn was occupied. By what means, I am not sure, as I said I have just become interested in the political workings of my people.

2. You are now in my position or perhaps my compatriot, Na'toth's would you stand by, fight openly or work from the shadows? How would you defend your people or would you?

I have always been one who prefers to work behind the scenes. I do what I can for my people now, I would assume if I were a Narn, I would still do what I could for my people. I am a negotiator at heart, I would find something that my people could offer that would make us more worthy as allies then oppressed and if that failed I would ensure it became too costly for them to remain.

Adira hesitates
I think within the Narn there is a sense of pride that prevents you from seeking allies which would be infinitely helpful in such a situation. I do not say this to offend; it is a flaw of my own people as well, the desire to save face by standing alone even when help may wait only for you to ask for it.

3. You are by all intents and purposes my enemy. Under normal circumstance I would kill you where you stand despite the fact you are a lady. But the fact is you have shown admirable bravery and diplomacy. So I am curious, if you were in let's say Ambassador Mollari's position and you are given the opportunity to interact with my government on peaceful terms. How would you convince the Kha'Ri that you are not a threat? Why would we wish to attempt a peaceful treaty with your people?

Adira smiles and chuckles a little to herself having met Londo and briefly G’Kar; both as stubborn and arrogant as they come; she can not help but laugh at this question.

I think the time for being able to convince the Kha’Ri that we Centauri, even as individuals, are not a threat is far gone. You have proved that yourself, I am but a lone woman and you call me “enemy” and say you would kill me. It is now a matter of convincing them that while we are a threat we also seek peace.

Why seek peace with the Centauri, Adira pauses and becomes very reflective, her gaze trailing off for some time. outside of the bloodshed and wasted lives, everything else is politics and paper. Trade agreements, boundaries, boarders; the only other reason is that the Centauri and Narn working together would be one hell of an intergalactic force. Not just in war but also in peace. Our people are both very manipulative with words and brute force. I should think an allied Centauri Republic and Narn Regime would convince the other League Worlds to strive for peace and end their squabbles. Also I have noticed that the constant warring is causing both of our races to slowly lose their culture, traditions and even to some extent our religions. No one has time or desire to study or learn. I see it in my own people and I have heard it spoken of by members of your own race as well. So the biggest advantage to peace between our people would be all of the energy, manpower and resources that could be devoted to something else.

4. I know you really don't know the answer to this question, but I would be interested to hear your opinion. Of all the races your government would choose to wreck havok upon why us? Why not the humans? or the Drazi or any other race for that matter? What is so significant about us that would deserve such unprecedented hatred?

Having studied Centauri culture and history extensively... I have at least a logical assumption for why the Narn have been the target of Centauri aggression. I do not of course speak for the government, nor do I think most of them share my opinions. First and foremost there are hundreds of years of squabbles and battles between our people, the gods only know now who struck the first blow. Both of our people are blood for blood type races. We avenge the death of our own with the death of those who caused the loss. So we are in essence, two races prone to a vicious cycle of killing once it starts. This is where the hatred grows from between our people. Both of our races are loyal to our people and our families when we see any of our own slain it is treated as a personal offense. This is a cesspool for uncontrollable and unprecedented hatred on both sides.

Adira frowns and takes a deep breath almost in an effort to keep her composure.
As to the other races… The Minbari have always tried to stay out of contact with the Centauri, it was not until after the Earth-Minbari war that we had much contact with them. The humans came to us looking for technology when we first met them and so were not a threat. I think this has little relevance since we were already at war with the Narn at that time. The races now referred to as the “League of Non-aligned Worlds” have always been too busy squabbling with one another to be threatening to anyone besides themselves... that leaves your people and mine.

5. Finally could you ever see yourself crossing barriers and wieght of our histories to form a friendship with one of my people? Or do you believe there is too much bad blood between us for this ever to be possible?

Adira laughs out loud. Grinning, she looks at Ta'Lon intently

As I said I asked in memory of a friend… She is not dead... Na’Loth returned to Narn so I doubt I will ever be able to see her again. We spent some time as slaves together. Mind you our relationship did not start out on the best of terms. Our slaver thought it would be amusing to force his Centauri and Narn slaves to share quarters. Much of the first few weeks together were sleepless nights... Na’Loth sitting in a chair growling at me and cursing; I would stand across the room staring at her ready to draw my dagger should she decide to attack me. Three weeks after we met, Na’Loth and I got trapped in a bar during a riot on the Mars colony. A human male grabbed her and had a gun, reflexively I stabbed him. I have never seen such a look of surprise as when she saw that I was the one holding the dagger. The human grabbed me by the throat and I watched something inside her snap as she hit him. We became tolerant and at least semi-friendly toward each other after the incident. We have saved each others lives and pride on many occasions since. I call her a friend, a very dear friend and I hope she would say the same about me.

Adira seems to be waiting for the inevitable response to her answers with both curiosity and fear.

mariel, ta'lon, meme

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