OOC: This was originally written for Adira's normal journal to describe her performance on Centauri Prime after the happenings of the "Soul Mates" ep. Mun has no idea what sort of drugs she was slipped to write this entry? I must have spent too much time with Cartagia or something because this post is completely insane. Though it is much too funny not to share. Hope you enjoy..I am not sure it fits in any timeline but Grat Maker it is hillarious.
Added note... due to the mention that Londo actually had pink hair at a party.. I couldn't resist posting this in Adira's journal.. though it originally appeared in the
mu_muse I have brought it here for the rest of you to enjoy. This is not cannon by any means..at least not at the moment...And what the hell is the minister's name who becomes Regent after Cartagia's death.. it is like some secret and seems impossible to find!!!.
Adira had finished her performance on Centauri Prime. She was still exhausted from the ordeal on Babylon 5 only five short days ago. The only thing she could think of was a soft bed and an entire day of sleep.
“My Lady.”
The voice broke her thoughts and she replied as she turned to face the voice. “Yes….” She stumbled on whatever else she might have said as she stared at the Imperial guard before her. “What did this mean?” She wondered.
“The glorious Emperor Cartagia requests that you immediately come to the palace for a private performance before the court.”
Adira felt faint. This was the chance she had been waiting for. Favor in the court could put some of the rumors to rest and surely help her status. She blinked in disbelief believing that they might fade away, some sleep deprived hallucination.
“Do not delay My Lady.” The guard’s voice brought a nod and she followed the long lost fear and shyness of her childhood returning. She wished her father were still there to hold her hand but this time she would be alone.
Walking into the room she tried to ignore the assembled people and concentrate on the Emperor. He was not what she had envisioned. He was too laid back and way too happy. Stopping before him she bowed deeply. “Good evening honorable Emperor Cartagia. I am humbled by your request to personally hear my voice.”
She looked back at him and his expression had not changed. What did that mean… was he unhappy with her. Then slowly a smile crept into his expression.
“A marvelous introduction.” He was grinning and clapping. Then he again fell silent. Her nerves threatened to make her sick.
“What would it please our Emperor to hear?” She asked it with as much courage as she could muster. She watched concerned as the Emperor whispered to the Minister. The Minister’s brow furrowed deeply before his eyes went wide and he whispered back. Adira stood patiently. Her fingers fiddling with the lace on her cuff as her palms became soaked with sweat. Cartagia’s attention turned back to her and she forced a smile. He seemed about to burst with glee.
“I wish to hear a song about bananas.”
“Bananas?” was he serious. Adira looked at him shocked but his expression was serious. A song about bananas. Her mind raced and the only thing that came to mind was a human song about a cookie named after, of all people the scientist Newton or at least that is what Adira believed.
“Well I...I only know one short human song about…about bananas.” She was faltering both from nerves and confusion.
“Well go ahead.” He was encouraging her and it gave her a small measure of confidence. She sang the short jingle and his laughter frightened her. There was no doubt in her mind now that he was mad.
He raised a brow an unexpectedly thrust his hand in the air like a school boy with an urgent question. Adira restrained the urge to laugh and flee from him.
“Next I will hear a song about a pink haired Centauri.” His voice was so matter of fact as if he was asking to hear some great master piece.
“Surely I am the butt of some joke.” Adira thought as her jaw dropped open in surprise. “What other explanation could there be fore this. No one was this insane.”
“Well my Emperor I don’t think I am aware of any such song.” She spoke hesitantly. The Emperor frowned and she became afraid. She had heard people who displeased him disappeared. Quickly she added. “But if you give me a few moments I am sure I could compose one just for you Emperor.”
He was delighted and Adira sighed with relief as his anger passed. “What rhymes with Centauri?” She had only had a few poetry classes and it wasn’t her strong suit… “Kutari…Mutari...uh…” Her mind went blank.
“Well?” The Emperor’s brow rose expectantly.
She took a chance. “I have composed a short poem for you.” She didn’t want to sing this.
“Oh! How delightful.” He was on the edge of his seat waiting for her to start.
Adira took a deep breath.
The Master of the Mutari
He stopped a passing Centauri
…and said “My dear Lord
Your hair is...is stiff as a board
And I should think
It would look better in pink."
She fumbled but the Emperor seemed eager to hear more and so she struggled to continue.
They took a walk to his Kutari.
The master and the Centauri
The Master of the Mutari
Asked “What is your name Centauri?”
He quickly replied….
She was stuck. “What name rhymed with Centauri?” without a thought it slipped out.
The Emperor burst into tearful laughter and bolted up from the throne. Adira almost fell stumbling back from the approaching madman. HE took hold of her shoulders and gave her a slight shake. “You are most entertaining. I insist you come back again.”
He dismissed her and she fought the urge not to run wildly away as fast as her feet would carry her. He was mad…mad like she had never seen… mad beyond her imagination and it terrified her.